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Charater Recreation

Naul Zing

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Hi guys!


the last post i wrote wasn't a spam i just thought for a second that this forum is hungarian and i wrote it in hungarian. So sorry i couldn't edit it.


but yes you should bemore friendly with newbies MDH Weaponeer is right


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My post was just a friendly advice. There aren't many people that understand Hungarian. If people don't understand it, it looks as if you wrote &%/&%$%&.


I zato se nesmije pisati post-ove na svom jeziku, jer ih nitko nemože razumijet. Koji je onda smisao toga? :P


This is nosense for the most of you guys, and Moderators could call it spam.

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Az Igazság az hogy azért rúgtak ki mert mind a három guidlet kiírtottam balmorából :( ! remélem visszavesznek

So what did you say?


I don't speak hungarian.


The way I recreate a character, if that is what you want to do, is re-start the game, then adjust the level, and attributes in the console. Look up the journal entries needed in the CS, then enter them into to console to put them into your journal.

I'm sure there are easier ways though.

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How did you ever get the idea that it was hungarian? O.o It seems all in english to me =o) But my best advise, besides cheating, is to re-start your game, or go back to a save before you got kicked out. If you dont have any, then you have to either re-start or cheat. Personally I think Morrowind is too fun to have to cheat. Infact, I'm gettin ticked off because I had a mod on and it increased my stats. I took it off, forgetting that I still had the gloves on in the game and it saved the super-stats and when I turned the mod back on, it increased them yet again... Nice way to cheat, but if you dont like it... DONT DO IT =o)
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