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Looking for chicken pen retex


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I opened up the mesh in nifskope and it takes stockade textures, specifically /textures/clutter/stockade >>> stockadewood01 and stockadewood01_n, stockadeextra01 and stockadeextra01_n, as well as stockadeplanks01 and stockadeplanks01_n.


You want to look at retexture mods, such as Noble Skyrim or Skyrim 2020. Even though these kinds of mods are huge and overhaul a lot of things, it is possible to simply install only the textures you wish to use.


Here are 4 texture mods, which touch some or all of the stockade textures. You may find you like all from one mod, or to mix and match. Fortunately texture modding is as simple as cut/paste back and forth, going in game to see the result in between. Tedious but easy. Remember that the mod author may have different graphics settings, so the image on the mod page may not necessarily be the final result. Don't be afraid to discard.










If you find another texture mod and would like to see if it touches stockades, go to the files tab on the mod page, pick the file you want or need (ie: 2k, 4k, etc.) and click on the "preview file contents" link, then follow the expanded folders down to data / textures / clutter / stockade and look for the ones I listed above.


If you decide to use some, you can cut them from the mod and paste them into your data folder, following the same file path. If a folder doesn't exist, you will need to create it.


Hope this helps

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OMG THANK YOU SO MUCHHH!! Just knowing what the item is and what texture set it uses is too perfect. THANK YOU THANK YOU. Imma sift through all those and compare now haha :laugh: I've had Skyrim 2020 but I just looked in the files and it seems it only covers 1 of the textures you mentioned so I'll be looking for one that covers stockadeextra and stockadeplanks!


*ended up choosing 4k Stockade thank youuuu

Edited by tritonforge
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