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Crash on startup when editing .INI


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Hi all, recently got Fallout GOTY edition and i've been through every problem solving things i could find from duel core fixes in the ini, dxd something or others and much more but i've narrowed it to one or two problems.


When i add the ArchiveInvalidation or binvalidateolderfiles=1 my game will crash on startup, i hear this has something to with me having windows 7 64bit but anyway i was wondering if anyone has a fix.

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Hi all, recently got Fallout GOTY edition and i've been through every problem solving things i could find from duel core fixes in the ini, dxd something or others and much more but i've narrowed it to one or two problems.


When i add the ArchiveInvalidation or binvalidateolderfiles=1 my game will crash on startup, i hear this has something to with me having windows 7 64bit but anyway i was wondering if anyone has a fix.

Do you have any mods installed? There is a way to Isolate the bad data causing invalidate to not process or prevents the game from processing the data.


From what you describe here, it appears that either you have corrupted data in an archive or a bunch of them in lose file folders.


If the game runs and with out invalidated Enabled, how long does it run?




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Cheers for the reply, yea i got mods installed main reason im confused it it worked fine last nime, anywho if i play it without invavlidation it works fine but you know half the reason anyone buys bethesda games on pc it to mod them :P

Yes, that is the intention. What I will do is give you an Idea of how we Isolate this type of bug.


Not knowing how many mods you have or anyone at any time may have, I'll lay it out as clean as possible for you.


The OP is an ini tweak. This particular tweak was targeting additional add on data. "MODS" added to the game.

It is advised to have Fomm installed and not use the NMM for this approach, here is why, we can't alter the online SVN codes when using NMM to sort data and if you remove data from the games folders, Nmm will crash so that's Cleared up.


Fomm mod manager is required for this.


Say you have 200 + mods installed? No problem. List known mods you most want and isolate Just those. Uninstall using what ever manager You currently use all mods. The data is held in place for reinstall. Please, "DO NOT delete data."


clean game load out, Main and DLC's loading, run game set a hard save for this purpose only so you always have a "Check file."

Disable any auto saving features like casm.


#1. Create a folder on the desktop to store all data curently in the games data folder.

#2. Create a folder on the desktop to move the Root Game files to so to remove all doubt of Dll files causing the Invalidate functions to work, This includes Fose data Folders as well. You must do this.

#3. Short cut to desktop for only the main game engine file, not the launcher , nor foseloader. Just the game file.

#4. run the file and "Move" back any files the warning message says is required or missing. you will see what the games is calling out to and what files are needed to even run the game.

Once the game loads. and you can now save a game. you exit and use fomm to activate "archive invalidate" and run the game.

If the game crashes, then that data is at fault. In that case, it may need to be reinstalled and a update for it as well as Fomm.

There are two types of archive invalidate that are known to be used in this game. You need the manual versions and it's bsa archive in the data directory for "Fomms" built in unit version to work properly. <----That's (INI) related and not fomm related---> points to the OP here.


You do not run both, you only need both so all possible data is in the game available . USE fomm's version only to toggle invalidate after fomm is updated fully. it will update if you have at least one mod installed using that program. Click the help tab in fomm at the top and allow it to update. when it's done, it will crash due to out of date codes. Not a problem. Just rerun it to get past that part.


install one mod. Makae sure you chose a NON fose mod too. run the game engine short cut, not from inside fomm, not yet.


Does the game load? If not. Toggle invalidate. run. Does it load now? If not, you isolated the mod found to have corrupted data in it or the insaller package is made wrong so data is not where it needs to be.


#5. Isolated mod. Uninstall and move on to the next mod and repeat till you have the mods installed and the game is running.

Whne you have gone through al lthe mods you use, you will have in the saved game a list of known good mods you can extract asa list using fomm saved game viewer. no typing out all that data. and you can reuse this to import that load order for use on the game.


The package manager will have all the mods currently Isolated "NOT installed as to sort out and confirm packaging problems. those you move out of the Fomm's MOD folder to a NEW desktop folder to decide whats wrong and repackage them correctly so when the installer "installs them, the data will get where it needs to be.


#6. Not done yet. all known Good mods you have now Isolated? you uninstall all of these. Understand, you remove their involvement so you can determine if your repaired mods you found are working with invalidate now.


#7. in this process, you may still find a crash issue or no load issue. Again, uninstall it, and move any data left behind out of the data folder so Lose file do not get loaded. < --- this is to Isolate Lose damaged files, corrupted textures and mesh files, Just bad data or empty file data from a bad download.


What you end up with is a clean set of folders on the desk top of all the problems you might run into and NOT know what to do with.


All bad mods found. Move the folder off the drive, do not delete them and re-download each one and now install and work on each one to Further Isolate them as either a bad mod, a bad download, a bad packaging problem Or a bad set of textures and mesh files in it.


Most esp and esm files are capable to run, it;'s the data and what's in the header of each file that stops the engine from loading or causes it to Freeze.


Now that's a lot of tech here. Copy it to a document and don't lose it. If you can't find the fomm update, I can post the link to it here. I'll just edit this post.



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