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Need to Get Rid of Follower


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Hi everyone. Well, this is a first. I decided to grab someone to be my follower out of the Dawnguard people I'm serving with, and no matter who I asked they all said that I had somone with me and had to let them go before I could take a new follower on. Well, the weird thing is, I haven't HAD a follower......this time around I've been playing alone and just now am thinking about followers and maybe a new spouse eventually, but right now I"m alone, so I'm totally puzzled as to why it looks to the NPCs that I have a follower already. Has anyone else had this happen and if so, how did you mangage to remove the "invisible" follower?


Thanks for your help!


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Hi Stoaty. Well, yesterday I did talk to Serana, thinking that maybe she still was my follower, and there was a dialog option that said "Come with me", as if I had told her to wait or something. But the weird part is that after I told her to come with me just to see what happened, she said that she couldn't because I already "had someone else and she didn't want to step on anyone's toes". ???


Not sure what's up but if you have any ideas on things I could try to get this working again, I'd really appreciate it! :)


Thanks everyone,


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