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Better Difficulty Customization


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Is it possible to create a mod that would allow people control over the damage inflicted/damage taken %'s separately? I'm a huge fan of the old Delta Force and Rainbow Six games where it only takes 2-3 shots to put you down, but that doesn't mean I want my enemies to take more than a clip of ammo to the face. Ultimately I'd like to set my damage taken to around 600%, but keep my damage dealt at 100%. Furthermore, would you be able to customize limb damage? I.E., make your limbs cripple in fewer shots, make headshots kill you instantly, ect. Regardless, thanks for making games more fun for us non-modders.
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Raven Shield was great, hell I still love the original Delta Force. I think the crippling limbs thing is an awesome concept, but even on very hard It rarely seems to happen. Even when it does, you just pause the game and use a stimpack. It would be awesome if you actually had to use them in real-time, like in Far Cry 2. Having to limp to cover and stab yourself in the leg during a fire-fight would be intense. Unfortunately, it would probably be next to impossible to make that happen. I could try kidnapping a team of modders, but the tricky bastards would probably find a way to send a message for help.
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