Arbitez Posted March 11, 2014 Share Posted March 11, 2014 I think it is the Dawnguard mission if you have been in soul cairn you have do the quest for jiub where you collect the pages. That might be the problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arbitez Posted March 11, 2014 Share Posted March 11, 2014 I think it is the Dawnguard mission if you have been in soul cairn you have do the quest for jiub where you collect the pages. That might be the problem.I saw people complaining about his problem with only Dawnguard dlc so i guess it's that quest that haunts C++. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Signette Posted July 10, 2014 Share Posted July 10, 2014 Bump old thread. Never happened before with my two old characters on the same Skyrim version (last) and with all DLCs on. It surely involves Dawnguard DLC somehow, but some ppl sugested to complete Saint Jiub quest which I've done with every character, but it doesn't help (can't imagine how could it?). If anyone have any more suggestions, I would like to hear (read). On the note, it happends pretty rarely, and doesn't bother me much, but after Shesons' patch I don't have CTDs aside from this particular one... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted133263User Posted July 11, 2014 Share Posted July 11, 2014 (edited) There have been other people for which getting all Jiubs pages did not work, for them also doing Arvak was the solution If you have not gone back to a save before the problem started though ( ideally before you ever entered the Soul Cairn ), its a waste of time trying the solution, it will not work once the problem has already started and become embedded in your save. Edited July 11, 2014 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Signette Posted July 11, 2014 Share Posted July 11, 2014 I did all Soul Cairn quests in one visit (with all characters I have), but with last one this error first appeared before I even started any Dawnguard questline. I have completely uninstalled and reinstalled all my MS Visual C++ libraries, added game to DEP exclusions and whatnot. That's very strange. I'm very curious, as you say, many people reported that doing Jiubs' quest fixed it for them, is there any possible technical description of how it's related and may be causing it? I haven't seen a word on this issue from official Bethesda ever, but it's impossible that they weren't aware of this error long time ago. Also no word from USKP authors, it's like a mysterious glitch, very strange... No one can say for sure why it is occurring. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted133263User Posted July 13, 2014 Share Posted July 13, 2014 A few people have been in contact with Bethesda customer support by telephone.The answers from Bethesda are typical scripted response to a phone call which makes no sense if you read the Microsoft explanation of an r6025 C++ runtime error, bethesda explains it differently than thisThey also suggest uninstall and reinstall of MSVC 2008, but the game uses 2010 .. So again another rubbish answerAnd apparently they also suggested a java update may fix the problem .. another rubbish answerIn other words, dont bother wasting money on phone calls to Bethesda The only person who may have any clue is one of our long term very talented coders, IanPatt ( SKSE ). He said that he knew what was happening, but needed more time to look into it ( he's a very busy person, and this problem will need thoroughly looking into )See this post Read on from there too for all the experimentation that went into the only solution anyone has ever found .. The post I linked to on AFK mods. Sorry, but until someone who is talented at low level programming / disassembling code has a good look at the problem, the only solution if doing the quests does not work is to disable Dawnguard questline starting ( you will find a mod linked in the bethsoft topic I just linked to do that ) Having the error start before the Dawnguard questline has even started though .. I have never seen that before. Does this happen in an un-modified game ? ( just a thought that lots of mods installed could trigger this unusual error in different ways if your system is overloaded by too many mods demands on your machine ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Signette Posted July 13, 2014 Share Posted July 13, 2014 (edited) @alt3rn1tyThank you very much for links and info, very interesting read indeed. I have reinstalled those C++ libraries some time ago (on another matter), didn't bother doing it now because of numrous reports that it isn't solving this error. I wasn't intending to adress this issue to Bethesda anyway, they created awesome games but bugs and errors they have in it are very annoying and making it almost unplayable, before talented guys like Sheson, USKP team and other independant mod/patch makers fixing and improving stuff Beth should do in a first place. I don't know if they are simply incompetent or just don't care but thats off topic... I can't say my Skyrim is very mod heavy but I also cannot exclude possibility that some of my mods may be causing this error. Still, I never had this issue with my two previous characters with almost same mod list (Soul Cairn mods completed). I guess it's Skyrim magic at work again, huh... Edited July 13, 2014 by Signette Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted133263User Posted July 13, 2014 Share Posted July 13, 2014 (edited) Just one more possibility .. There have been thoughts that doing some of the quests in the Soul Cairn may trigger it : You said "I did all Soul Cairn quests in one visit (with all characters I have)" Have you tried just doing the necessary but not the rest ? For example .. 1. go back to a save before going in the Soul Cairn for the first time2. Do Jiubs pages, then see Jiub to complete that quest3. If you accidently run into Arvaks master - Do Arvak, otherwise dont bother ( unless you want Arvak ofc )4. Go and see Serana's concerns are resolved, complete that bit, acquire a scaly new friend5. regain your lost bit of soul out of that chest on top of one of the buildings Get the frig outta there :smile: ( Dont pick up any reaper fragments, or start any other side quests ) I know doing it all again is a PITA ( believe me this problem drove me nuts for about three month ), also getting back to just before the Soul Cairn if you dont have a save there can be a pain too .. But its worth it when it works. I have never had the problem since ( so long as I stick to the above routine for the Soul Cairn that is ), and being a regular tester for Unofficial patches I have been back to game start and through this questline a lot without any further problems. Hope you find something that works for you though, I very much understand how frustrating this is if a solution does not work. Edited July 13, 2014 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Signette Posted July 13, 2014 Share Posted July 13, 2014 I have a save before entering Soul Cairn (always have loads of backup saves just in case), and I might try those solutions out just for the sake of experiment, but even if some of them really work I won't return to this point, I'm completionist by nature and cannot not do any quest :laugh:I'd rather play with this error, thankfully it's pretty rare. Thanks for suggestions anyway! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted133263User Posted July 13, 2014 Share Posted July 13, 2014 ~ I'd rather play with this error, thankfully it's pretty rare. ~ :blink: Oh right, I forget some people do not experience the full on effect this error can have when it starts. Lucky you :smile: For me when it starts its a case of <literally> walk ten paces to next CTD. Reload, save at nine paces just in case, if I am lucky walk on another twenty paces before CTD, reload, walk three paces before CTD, on occasion I can keep going for thirty seconds then CTD .. .. The game becomes a misery, thats why I was over the moon to find there was a way around it, otherwise the game would just be unplayable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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