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Marts Mutant Mod - Menu Module Not Showing Up


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First off, this site is great. I played on Xbox a couple years ago, but recently got it for PC. Mods are awesome.


Ok, so I installed the MMM, and it seems to work except for the lack of the in-game Pipboy menu module. I did the rest 4 days thing in minefield so there were no NPCs, I waited 15 seconds, went to Apparel... nothin.


Tried a couple times, deactivated, the reactivated/rested/etc... still nothing. The critters are there, Iguanas, Wanamingos, Abominable SM, Wild Boars... (I know there are more, but that's all I saw on a quick little wander around)... but no menu.


Should I delete the mod entirely, and retry it?


I've got the Invalidated! on there, I don't have any of the DLCs, the other mods I have running are WMK, and EVE.

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