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SPAS-12 I'd like to request this gun!


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I don't know about a SPAS, it seems like an overused weapon in video games and not that many people use them in real life. But at least you're not requesting a Mateba like everyone else. I think the SPAS was requested a number of times already but the same problems seem to come up with animations. I'd like to see at least that get sorted out so we could get weapons like pump-actions and semi-automatics in the game. I'm getting sick of that Combat Shotgun.
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I listed a spaz in my list, i think it would be a nice addition weither its used alot in games or not. The Jackhammer shotgun would be alot better though, its not overused and with a nice texture it could fit the FO3 world nicely. Maybe make the spaz 12 the kneecapper and the jackhammer the terrible shotgun, or the other way around.
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