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So how do birds work?


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Can anyone tell me how birds work in the CK?


There's the bird trigger zone and the bird marker. I linked them together and birds spawned. But they can't fly away. They just flatter their wings on the ground where the marker is.


And yes I looked at vanilla data, that's how I found out how to do it in the first place ;)

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It's a very complicated system! You need both the bird spawner and another trigger-box style activator in the CK (can't remember the name offhand, but it's got "bird" in the name) that defines where the birds can actually fly around to; if that's missing it probably explains why they can't fly anywhere. =)

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​There is a pack-in which includes birds, markers etc. You could use that, or look at how it works.

It is a complicated system indeed. Birds are Activators, not Actors, they have scripts on them which make them play animations and fly.

I think the scripts find their markers and zones through linked references.

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I think I found out by looking at the script and the placed counterparts



BirdZone-->LinkedRef-->BirdMarker--->LinkedRef--->BirdMarker2--->LinkedRef (And so on...)


So it's a chainlink

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