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Deadly Reflex in the Wasteland


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After playing Oblivion with the great mod Deadly Reflex (DR) I couldn't imagine playing without it.


One of the main things DR did initially was make decapitation and other gruesome things possible in Oblivion. But FO3 already has pretty good gore and dismemberment so what would be the point of a mod like that in FO3?


The other thing that DR did for Oblivion was make the combat way more engaging and entertaining. FO3 has tons of potential for expanding the scope of combat to make it way more fun.


For instance:


Adding dodging rolls and dives would be great, along with better jumping animations. Maybe being able to shoot guns while dodging?


Making it so that movement could be done in VATS would then let you use the dives/rolls in VATS too;

So you could shoot someone in the head then dive through a door and shoot someone else then crouch behind a desk. You would need a free mouse controlled 'look' mode during the targeting phase of VATS, so you could look around and select where to move (or attempt to move). If shooting while moving or dodging is possible then it would use up the AP amount of both actions. I guess We would need to be able to target enemies which are obscured from view and fire even with 0% hit chance to account for movement (use perception stat for range of possible targets maybe).


Add better wound decals and make them more frequent, so you could really tell that guy got shot in the face even if his head didn't come off (these wound decals are in the game but not used very consistently at all).


Add some new fatality type deaths. Like once in a while someone seems to get hit in the heart or the throat, so blood sprays out the neck or the chest for awhile and they get blood decals spilled all down their body. Even if we can't actually have a throat or heart target/location just making headshots/chest shots occasionally trigger these effects would be pretty sweet.


New melee attacks/fatalities. Better jumping attacks and maybe a jump kick for unarmed characters.


Better use of exploding limbs/heads VS severed limbs/heads VS wound decals on models;

So a sledge hammer might explode limbs and a sword would sever them and a handgun would just leave wound decals/squirting blood on the model. Falling from high should explode limbs. Shotguns, assault rifles, laser guns could explode limbs sometimes but only very rarely sever them.

The full body dismemberment and exploding torso/full body from the bloody mess perk could be put to more appropriate use with explosions and such (it is a silly perk).


Maybe some better burnt body effects from flames and some explosions, and a skeleton left over when things get vaporized.


grabs and kicks - knockdowns and disarms

grabs could be used with one handed weapons or unarmed (or if your weapon is put away), kicks could be used with any weapon equipped. Grabs could lead into throws or disarms. Throws would cause knockdowns if the throw was successful and kicks would sometimes cause knockdowns. Regular leg hits should sometimes cause knockdown and arm hits should sometimes cause disarms (weapon dropping). If a grab based disarm is successful when unarmed (or when your weapon is holstered) it will give you the disarmed weapon and switch to it immediately so your next action can be to use it on them.


Special fatalities for fallen opponents if close enough, depending on weapon type;

Like stomping their head in, smashing their head with a bat, stabbing down through heart with swords, standing over them and just aiming down with one hand to shoot them in the head with handguns, bash head in with the but of a rifle, etc.

These would use less AP than regular attacks.


A better crouch/sneak system including the ability to lie down.


Tweaked accuracy system based much more on movement and skill as well as on weapon characteristics. So lying down and aiming would give you the least projectile spread while running and firing from the hip would make you much more inaccurate.


More destructible world objects and more objects that have physics;

A lot of small objects in the world can't be moved - if most small objects could be moved and more things could be destroyed (turned into some debris) then the fights would seem more engaging with stuff flying and breaking. Duck behind a computer and after a couple shots from the enemy it explodes into debris (hope you weren't planning on using that terminal ;-)).


Throwing objects. Being able to really throw any physics object as well as many/most inventory objects. Throwing your assault rifle at someone probably wouldn't hurt them much but throwing those butter knives, darts, poison sacks, hammers, scalpels, etc. could actually hurt. It would be cool if there was a button that would just automatically pick up random things within range and throw them.


Climbing ;-)


NPCs and creatures should be able to use many of these abilities and should just generally be a little smarter in combat. Using cover, sneaking, dodging, shooting explosive things near you, flanking, using special melee attacks/jumping attacks, sometimes retreating if all their friends just died or if wounded, etc. etc..


I'm sure some of you can think of even more cool ideas.


Of course this wouldn't need to be called Deadly Reflex (although it could almost be like an official Deadly Reflex for FO3.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, it is all doable. With Deadly Reflex for Oblivion, it started small with a few tweaks and lovely dismemberment, and then continued to build upon that adding more and more.


Everything I listed above does not need to be included in the first version, or at all for that matter.. People can come up with other great ideas instead, or in addition.


I just threw out a whole bunch of ideas, but the main concept is to simply make the combat in F3 more engaging/entertaining. Rather than just the same thing over and over ad infinitum.


The things I would most like to see to start, are dodges (rolls or dives) and a tweaked gore/dismemberment/wound decal system which makes more sense contextually.

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I guess he's not that much into modding... and hey, this is the request forum.

I think someone (if not the original creator) will do something like this in the future, just be patient.

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Add this to increased spawns and let the battle insanity begin! I think it will be a while until this is made but with the experience of oblivion all the moders that worked on that have a huge head start with fallout since the editors are nearly identical. So this will probably be done eventually. I just hope the original creator of Deadly Reflex has Fallout and wants to make something like this.
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I'd really like to see this, and I'd been considering something like it but with the realistic expectation that a script extender would be needed. You'd have to start with more complete choice in VATS, to move, to move and attack simultaneously, to open and close doors, use exits, show fully animated stim and chem useage, etc. Make the whole combat turn cinematic.


Some of it's easy enough to do in engine, use an Effect Shader to draw a grid of hexes on the ground to represent units of movement, and make those into VATS targets so you can select them. Currently VATS targets can only be shot and not selected, but a script extender would be able to locate them easier than drawing one from the Navmesh. And if every action has an AP value equivalent, then turn-based and real-time would correlate seamlessly, and it's a lot simpler to apply a speed multiplier to make some actions quicker or slower based on added abilities and perks.


The animation would be a LOT of work, unless it's already been done for Deadly Reflex and the maker wishes to contribute.

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  • 2 months later...

"Like stomping their head in, smashing their head with a bat, stabbing down through heart with swords, standing over them and just aiming down with one hand to shoot them in the head with handguns, bash head in with the but of a rifle, etc."


I was thinking about requesting something along the lines of this -- even in asmuchas altering the 'Sandman Perk' to be real-time and mapping it to an actual key, rather than just letting it remain a simple pop-up menu option.

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