IsharaMeradin Posted January 23, 2013 Share Posted January 23, 2013 (edited) I've set up a container that when items are added, they will be added to a form list that starts out empty. When items are removed from the container, they are supposed to be removed from the form list but that doesn't happen. Here is the whole script. This was a recent addition to an existing script which auto-stored various crafting supplies on a one minute update cycle. The quest item auto-store prevention is also an earlier recent addition. It has been working fine. The only issue is with the RemoveAddedForm in the OnItemRemoved event. Scriptname abIM_StorageAndRetrieval extends ObjectReference Import Utility Import Game Import Debug ;the container used ObjectReference Property abIM_SoS_CONT Auto ;the formlists of items FormList Property abIM_SLGM_INGR_ALCH auto FormList Property abIM_MISC auto FormList Property abIM_CRAP auto ;the intergers needed Int Check1 Int Check2 ;global variables GlobalVariable Property abIM_DoUpdate Auto GlobalVariable Property abIM_DoOnce Auto ;Frost Salt related quests Quest Property FreeformWhiterunQuest05 Auto Quest Property FreeformKynesgroveA Auto Ingredient Property FrostSalts Auto ;Void Salt related quests Quest Property FreeformShipsDawnstar Auto Ingredient Property VoidSalts Auto ;Daedra Heart related quests Quest Property FreeformMarkarthN Auto Ingredient Property DaedraHeart Auto ;Jazbay related quests Quest Property FreeformSarethiFarm Auto Ingredient Property JazBay Auto ;Bear pelt related quests Quest Property FreeformIvarstead03 Auto MiscObject Property BearPelt Auto MiscObject Property BearSnowPelt Auto MiscObject Property BearCavePelt Auto ;Fire Salt related quests Quest Property FreeformRiften10 Auto Ingredient Property FireSalts Auto ;Nirnroot, Deathbell & Nightshade related quests Quest Property FreeformRiften04 Auto Ingredient Property Deathbell Auto Ingredient Property Nightshade Auto Ingredient Property Nirnroot Auto ;Misc stuff for Ringmaker quest Quest Property FreeformRiften18 Auto ;MiscObject Property MammothTusk Auto MiscObject Property OreGold Auto MiscObject Property GemSapphireFlawless Auto ;Ice Wraith Teeth related quests Quest Property FreeformRiften07 Auto Ingredient Property IceWraithTeeth Auto ;Flawless Amethyst Gem related quests Quest Property FreeformRiften06 Auto MiscObject Property GemAmethystFlawless Auto ;Mammoth Tusk related quests Quest Property Favor110 Auto MiscObject Property MammothTusk Auto bool transfered Event OnActivate(ObjectReference Turtle) If abIM_DoOnce.GetValueInt() == 0 RegisterForSingleUpdate(60) abIM_DoOnce.SetValueInt(1) EndIf EndEvent Function abimTransferING(Ingredient ItemToTransfer, ObjectReference ContainerToTransferTo, Actor ContainerToTransferFrom, Quest RunningQuest, Int StartStage, Int EndStage) int count = ContainerToTransferFrom.GetItemCount(ItemToTransfer) If (count >= 1) && !((RunningQuest.GetStage() > StartStage) && (RunningQuest.GetStage() < EndStage)) ContainerToTransferFrom.RemoveItem(ItemToTransfer, count, True, ContainerToTransferTo) transfered = true EndIf EndFunction Function abimTransferINGTwoQuest(Ingredient ItemToTransfer, ObjectReference ContainerToTransferTo, Actor ContainerToTransferFrom, Quest RunningQuest, Int StartStage, Int EndStage, Quest RunningQuest2, Int StartStage2, Int EndStage2) int count = ContainerToTransferFrom.GetItemCount(ItemToTransfer) If (count >= 1) && !((RunningQuest.GetStage() > StartStage) && (RunningQuest.GetStage() < EndStage)) && !((RunningQuest2.GetStage() > StartStage2) && (RunningQuest2.GetStage() < EndStage2)) ContainerToTransferFrom.RemoveItem(ItemToTransfer, count, True, ContainerToTransferTo) transfered = true EndIf EndFunction Function abimTransferMO(MiscObject ItemToTransfer, ObjectReference ContainerToTransferTo, Actor ContainerToTransferFrom, Quest RunningQuest, Int StartStage, Int EndStage) int count = ContainerToTransferFrom.GetItemCount(ItemToTransfer) If (count >= 1) && !((RunningQuest.GetStage() > StartStage) && (RunningQuest.GetStage() < EndStage)) ContainerToTransferFrom.RemoveItem(ItemToTransfer, count, True, ContainerToTransferTo) transfered = true EndIf EndFunction Function abimTransferMOTwoQuest(MiscObject ItemToTransfer, ObjectReference ContainerToTransferTo, Actor ContainerToTransferFrom, Quest RunningQuest, Int StartStage, Int EndStage, Quest RunningQuest2, Int StartStage2, Int EndStage2) int count = ContainerToTransferFrom.GetItemCount(ItemToTransfer) If (count >= 1) && !((RunningQuest.GetStage() > StartStage) && (RunningQuest.GetStage() < EndStage)) && !((RunningQuest2.GetStage() > StartStage2) && (RunningQuest2.GetStage() < EndStage2)) ContainerToTransferFrom.RemoveItem(ItemToTransfer, count, True, ContainerToTransferTo) transfered = true EndIf EndFunction Event OnUpdate() RegisterForSingleUpdate(60) transfered = false Actor Player = GetPlayer() If abIM_DoUpdate.GetValueInt() == 1 && !(Player.IsInCombat()) int PlayerBaseMagicka = Player.GetBaseActorValue("magicka") as int float PercentOfMagicka = PlayerBaseMagicka * 0.33 Check1 = Player.GetItemCount(abIM_SLGM_INGR_ALCH) Check2 = Player.GetItemCount(abIM_MISC) Int quantity = Player.GetItemCount(abIM_CRAP) If Check1 >= 1 Player.RemoveItem(abIM_SLGM_INGR_ALCH,Check1,True,abIM_SoS_CONT) transfered = true EndIf If Check2 >= 1 Player.RemoveItem(abIM_MISC,Check2,True,abIM_SoS_CONT) transfered = true EndIf If quantity >= 1 Player.RemoveItem(abIM_CRAP,quantity,True,abIM_SoS_CONT) transfered = true EndIf abimTransferINGTwoQuest(FrostSalts, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformKynesgroveA, 0, 200, FreeformWhiterunQuest05, 0, 255) abimTransferING(VoidSalts, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformShipsDawnstar, 0, 200) abimTransferING(DaedraHeart, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformMarkarthN, 0, 20) abimTransferING(JazBay, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformSarethiFarm, 10, 20) abimTransferING(FireSalts, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformRiften10, 10, 200) abimTransferING(Deathbell, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformRiften04, 10, 200) abimTransferING(Nirnroot, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformRiften04, 10, 200) abimTransferING(Nightshade, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformRiften04, 10, 200) abimTransferING(IceWraithTeeth, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformRiften07, 10, 200) abimTransferMO(BearPelt, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformIvarstead03, 10, 200) abimTransferMO(BearCavePelt, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformIvarstead03, 10, 200) abimTransferMO(BearSnowPelt, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformIvarstead03, 10, 200) abimTransferMOTwoQuest(MammothTusk, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, Favor110, 0, 200, FreeformRiften18, 10, 200) abimTransferMO(OreGold, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformRiften18, 10, 200) abimTransferMO(GemSapphireFlawless, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformRiften18, 10, 200) abimTransferMO(GemAmethystFlawless, abim_SoS_CONT, Player, FreeformRiften06, 10, 200) If transfered == true Player.DamageActorValue("magicka",PercentOfMagicka) Debug.Notification(Utility.GameTimeToString(Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()) + ": GoE - Stuff stored") EndIf EndIf EndEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) If akSourceContainer == Game.GetPlayer() If (abIM_MISC.HasForm(akBaseItem) == False) && (abIM_SLGM_INGR_ALCH.HasForm(akBaseItem) == False) && (abIM_CRAP.HasForm(akBaseItem) == False) If (akBaseItem != FrostSalts) && (akBaseItem != VoidSalts) && (akBaseItem != DaedraHeart) && (akBaseItem != JazBay) && (akBaseItem != FireSalts) && (akBaseItem != Deathbell) && (akBaseItem != Nirnroot) && (akBaseItem != Nightshade) && (akBaseItem != IceWraithTeeth) && (akBaseItem != BearPelt) && (akBaseItem != BearCavePelt) && (akBaseItem != BearSnowPelt) && (akBaseItem != MammothTusk) && (akBaseItem != OreGold) && (akBaseItem != GemSapphireFlawless) && (akBaseItem != GemAmethystFlawless) && (Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(akBaseItem) == False) abIM_CRAP.AddForm(akBaseItem) Debug.trace(akBaseItem + " added to form list " + abIM_CRAP) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndEvent Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) If akDestContainer == Game.GetPlayer() If (abIM_MISC.HasForm(akBaseItem) == False) && (abIM_SLGM_INGR_ALCH.HasForm(akBaseItem) == False) && (abIM_CRAP.HasForm(akBaseItem) == True) abIM_CRAP.RemoveAddedForm(akBaseItem) Debug.trace(akBaseItem + " removed from form list " + abIM_CRAP) EndIf EndIf EndEvent The exact scenario: Had Orcish bow equipped. Picked up Falmer bow equipped it. Stored the Orcish bow. Later became over encoumbered by excess Falmer bows. Chose to retrieve the Orcish bow & store the Falmer bows. Next auto-store update cycle the Orcish bow was removed from my hands and stored... I could probably try to come up with a check against having items in the form list equipped BUT if the RemoveAddedForm is supposed to work under this scenario.... I'd rather get that working properly. Any thoughts? EDIT: I switced to Revert() since the form list gets reset on each game session. I figure it might as well reset when Items are withdrawn then. That seems to work if I follow this routine. I deposit items to the container within one cycle. Wait for the update to take place. Then withdraw the entire stack amount of the given item I want. Close the container access menu. Reopen the inventory only menu. Equip the item. Wait for the update to take place again. Got that to take place twice in a row... Edited January 23, 2013 by IsharaMeradin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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