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TES V? Thoughts?


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About the theme... I suppose the coming of Fallout has left people wondering about Bethesda's future goals.


Never the less: whenever the authors do a minimal bit of homework, there's no problem with fantasy and science fiction standing shoulder to shoulder.


I agree, instead, that the game should be allowed room to grow and branch out from the basic package they will release.


Also, it's about time to drop certain... lazy design habits, putting more effort in making The Elder Scrolls not only bigger, but better, more believable and flexible, a sound foundation for people to build upon.

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I think they should combine Morrowind's story and plot with Oblivion's open world and graphics. And DEFINITELY improve the physics system and the characters personalities(It's like talking to zombies...). And I think they should improve the whole fast travel thing... Like Idk... Put in "Hidden" loading screens maybe? Showing a cinematic of yourself riding on horseback instead of a picture saying something about things you probably know by now... Add more guilds/factions (Being that there was only like 5 in Oblivion...) All of witch being equal number in good/evil(or neutral). More creatures, new creatures, some type of boss that is ACTUALLY HARD TO GET THROUGH (Mehrunes Dagon for example... Was easy, you just walk into a building and woo-hoo you win!) and take out the GIANT grass everywhere... That and the trees, I mean yeah they're beautiful in high quality but the ENTIRE landscape was filled with them (even ridiculously high places were trees cannot possibly thrive)... Make the pc feel like a actual villain/hero were whichever side you lean to equals severe consequences.



EDIT: Strange... Part of my post was cut off...

Anyway... Remove borders from the province the game will take place in, make more weapons, armors, different mounts, imports from other provinces, better books (like the ones from Morrowind that actually had more than 2 pages), improved leveling system, bring back the old skills!(unarmored, medium armor etc.), new skills, new benefits from skills, improved combat system, realistic blood, make damaged armor actually look damaged. And... That's mainly what I would want in TES:V.


Sorry if I'm sounding like I want a fable 3 or something heh, I practically do... ;D

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It's obvious, if they lose the modding, they lose their customers.


And I wouldn't mind a large game, however, some people might, and they want max. profit of course..


A lot of things could be better, but the thing I would like to see, is that there are some character restrictions.

By that I mean that not every single aspect of the game should be available to every class / gender / race etc.


I found that in my first game i had already done a lot of side quests + factions, and without some serious modding there then isn't a lot of inspiration to try another class / gender / race as the game is identically...


I.e. Orcs shouldn't do magic, non-magicians shouldn't be able to join the mage's guild, and certain classes should only have melee action / different types of magic..


Since my Oblivion broke last week :wallbash: I went through my games collection, and started NWN (neverwinter nights) again, and although it is hardly comparable to TES IV, these things do inspire the player to try different gender/ class/ race etc..


Whoever could be bother to read all this, :thanks: ^^

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Mounted combat, Dragons, more bad guys, better fast travel, better guilds, more variation in character gen (short/tall, skinny/fat), more races (although doing this and still remaining inside the lore is difficult), appearance change with good/evil characters (much like Fable, actually), better story line, more quests.


Most of these are actually already in Oblivion (where would we be without mods). Akatosh Mounts adds Dragons, there are several alt start mods, TONS of new creature and quest mods, an uncountable number of new race mods and I think Deadly Reflex adds mounted combat.


Come to think of it Bethesda should just ask some modders to make the game. If they get Quarl to do the textures then the game is better already. Mix in Saiden Storm, Seph, AlienSlof, Chingari, Xilver and Adonnay then I'm definitely buying.

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  123testing said:



What do you think The elder scrolls 5 should be like. What should it include? How could they improve it from oblivion and morrowind?

Where do you think it should be located, skyrim, hammerfell, black marsh, valenwood, elyswer, summerset isle?

do you think they should include ideas from current mods, or change the interface?



I think that it should be located in hammerfell. Redguards are cool warriors and its a big map, so lots to explore in. also, a joint game with elsweyr and valenwood would be good, and big enough.

Eventually, I hope they create all the world spaces, which would be really cool, and all the daedra lords provinces aswell.


I really hope tes v doesnt fall into the black hole that is MMO's. That would be a real shame!


all comments wellcome!



Well Oli, everything you've said has been said before. However, I'm not to fussed about where it's set so long as it's different. And they just need to look at Oblivion and think about what's missing. Like mounted combat and the lore being very un-connected to most of the game. And get the creatures to be less mainstream-generic fantasy creatures. Mire like Morrowind.

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  AzirAphale001 said:
Mounted combat, Dragons, more bad guys, better fast travel, better guilds, more variation in character gen (short/tall, skinny/fat), more races (although doing this and still remaining inside the lore is difficult), appearance change with good/evil characters (much like Fable, actually), better story line, more quests.


Most of these are actually already in Oblivion (where would we be without mods). Akatosh Mounts adds Dragons, there are several alt start mods, TONS of new creature and quest mods, an uncountable number of new race mods and I think Deadly Reflex adds mounted combat.


Come to think of it Bethesda should just ask some modders to make the game. If they get Quarl to do the textures then the game is better already. Mix in Saiden Storm, Seph, AlienSlof, Chingari, Xilver and Adonnay then I'm definitely buying.


You're right about the modders making the game soooo much better, and I truly appreciate their dedication and work, but you shouldn't forget that the mods are all based on the game. And the construction set is also provided...

But i'm sure The guys at bethesda will do a great job ^^

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  IAvalonI said:
You're right about the modders making the game soooo much better, and I truly appreciate their dedication and work, but you shouldn't forget that the mods are all based on the game. And the construction set is also provided...

But i'm sure The guys at bethesda will do a great job ^^


Bethesda will do a brilliant job, I'm sure. The only trouble is that not many people will have computers with the graphics capabilities to run TES V. My computer can barely run Oblivion (but that's a different matter). It could take a while for a CS to be provided. I'm led to believe that the FO3 CS took a while to come out (although I don't play Fall Out so I'm not too sure).

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Most of you guys touched on all the major stuff id like to see, but one thing they could do with the charecter creater is to take some leasons who know it fairly well, The guys that made rock band had a simple charecter creater, yet it had lots of diversity aswell. I mean yeah id like, to choose between 20 pre-gen faces, then go through an slightly alter something i dont like, cause im lazy and dont want to spend 4 hours getting it all perfect from scratch. Oblivion had the issue of just 2 or 3 pre-gen faces that looked really simular and no matter how much time you put in to make the face look nice, you still looked ugly.


Id like to see a slightly multi-player side to it to. Maybe a four player co-op or something. Or an add on for the Areana so you can fight your friends of XBL or something. Id even like to see it as if you played from the daedra or maybe a daedaric prince. YOu could do lots with such a title, But it all comes down to Afforidablity and Genre.


Well all know its going to be the 50 bones when it comes out, we all know its a FPS RPG, and we know the attenchion its goign to get. The desighners or going for the appeal for the biggest crowed for the cash. So what we really need to know is the over all Derection of the game.


Thanks for reading my essay :sweat:

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As far as possible locations go, I would like to see either Skyrim or High Rock, although I'm leaning towards high rock. Firstly, Skyrim. I think this would be a good opportunity to reall expand on Nord culture and make them into something other than barbarian-ish northerners. Secondly, there is quite a bit of history to Skyrim, giving a whole host of possibilities for plot lines involving the first men or even Talos (lost descendant? Bearing in mind the empire is currently without an Emporer). This could also allow them to introduce new game play elements such as The way of the Voice which would be a nice reprieve from the current magic system where the spells have remained quite similar since Morrowind. However there are some drawbacks to using Skyrim. The first of these are its climate. It wouldn't be particularly stimulating or interesting walking around a huge area that is nothing but snow and mountain. Second of all, there is not very much they could do to vary the cities from what we have already seen as Bruma has already beens stated as an archtypical Skyrim town.


My personal favorite for the next province however, is High Rock. High Rock is one of the most remote of the provinces; one of the only two not to share a border with Cyrodiil itself. The Climate seems to be quite similar to Cyrodiil. However it provides ample oppourtunity to be very different from Cyrodiil. Whereas Cyrodiil was very much Roman Empire, High Rock could be made like medieval Europe. You could include such things as Knightly Orders and tournaments. You could ally with powerful houses, maybe even become the governor of the province/King? There is so much they could do with a more traditional late Middle Ages setting. It also provides opportunity for a new magic thing also in the form of Reach Magic. This is an interesting prospect and would be fun to explore.


With my opinion given on possible regions I would like to talk in brief about what I would like to see in the plot of the game. Personally I like two things from the story-line of RPG's. This is firstly, I like them to be epic. Oblivion had this, yes the quests were boring as hell but what was more epic than defending the world against a horde of invading demons? Secondly, I like them to end with me just having saved the world and being worshiped by the general populace. I know its cliché damn it i want a boss battle against the main villain. It gives a sense of achievement. Also possible; huge battle at the end, where you, the PC basically wins the whole blasted thing. Either is good.


The aftermath of the Oblivion Crisis is very fertile with possible plots. The ascension of the next Emperor and the founding of a new dynasty (lets face it - the Septim bloodline is gone for good) might seem obvious but there is a fair old bit they could do with this. If they really wanted to they could even have you becoming the Emperor. Wouldn't that be a novel idea?


Also there is what in my opinion a far better idea - a civil war. We can see that the Empire is on the brink in Oblivion so why not expand this concept further. This gives 3 possible routes the main quest could take. Will you take control of the province and extricate yourself form the empire? Will you join with the ailing empire? Or will you take command of the province, and and reunite the Empire under one banner - your own?


The least likely but also good option of course here is an invasion. An invasion from the mighty land of Akavir. This would be rather interesting as it would hopefully allow you to command the forces of the empire against the Akaviri. Or play as an Akaviri and topple the empire.


With that said, I would like to talk about (dramatic pause) weapons and combat! Now first I would like to address a personal gripe I had with Oblivion, and that is the Longswords specifically the fact than I couldn't use them two handed. Now there are a million mods out there with swords that have scripts which allow it so we know its easily done and it would be more true to the historical Longsword. So let me do it in the next game Bethseda or damn it I'll use an axe.


Ranting over with lets talk about ranged combat. In Oblivion I found it to be rather underpowered compared to the two other styles. This needs to be rectified so that the bow and arrow is truly a force to be reckoned with. Now everyones favorite(or not): melee combat.


Now my gripe here was the fact that your mastery of your weapon of choice affected virtually nothing. In the next Elder Scrolls I want an apprentice of Blade to be somewhat slow and clumsy and very basic. Whereas a master should resemble nothing short of a whirlwind of choppy goodness. A master should be able to waltz up to his or her enemies and hack them into little bits without breaking a sweat. So in game terms this means I want the higher your level of mastery with your weapon you attacks should be quicker, more powerful and more precise. They also need to look quite fancy and stylish.


Next to moan about - magic. Actually magic is very good. Just give a tiny bit more variety and the spells to look a bit more, well devastating.


Right, thanks for reading my epically over sized post. I welcome any thoughts or criticisms (as long as you're polite!). If I have anymore thoughts I will be sure to bother you all with them :P

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I´d like that TES V have more interest in magic, I´d like the principal quest will be along some astral plans like plans of oblvion and other plans like ayleid plans, heaven plans, nature plans...

I´d like that we could utilise the mods of oblivion in TES V.

A complete set of new races, classes and birthsings.

Also that have the current style of medieval playing. not any futuristic style of playing

a guild of Druids, a guild of dragon riders and some more

And also a lot of things more



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