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I don't think I could figure out how to allow triggering anyway. but I do like the idea of implants that trigger on their own by watching vital sign (An example being one that regens and increases your focus, aka AP and perception, but only if your health drops below 35%, but always subracts 1 from intel due to borrowing processing power from your brain)

You could check out DK's Bullet Time mod if you need some help with triggering. He's got it all setup so that you can hotkey an item and activating it starts or stops bullet time.

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I wonder if there's a way to measure ambient light, to know when to turn on NightVision, or turn it off... My belief is that is beyond the scope of the engine, anyways... heheheh. (Might be able to link it to the clock, but then you'd be screwed if it was noon, and you're in the metro tunnels...)


Hmmm... the coding is there for the Medical Power Armor for responding to damage... But I think there's only a few upgrades that would be meant for that kind of usage.


I like the idea of Optical Implants for improved 'Aim Zoom', without an attached scope. And when a scope is attached to the weapon, it would just defer to that, instead.


I think the NV upgrade may end up having to be a kind of "dogsight"... While active, ALL vision is restricted to monotones, but without any regard to ambient light sources or lack thereof. (Perhaps have the color be chosen via the HUD UI. Green HUD = Green NV screen, Amber = Amber, and so on... if possible.)


Now for the big one... The "add/remove" issue.


A Console in your "home" (or readily accessible 3rd-party location) that you can use to access any known Upgrades.


There'd be 'Flash BIOS', 'Slot 1', 'Slot2', 'Slot 3', 'Slot 4', and 'Update BIOS' (to set in stone the setup chosen), and 'Exit'.


If more than one Upgrade Chip of a single kind is owned, then you can add them to more than one slot. Only 3 of any single type would exist, each unique and 0wg Quest-flagged: Combat Targetting Software-01, Combat Targetting Software-10, Combat Targetting Software-11 (can't wait to see how many people ask for 02-09... heheheh.). The item you looted, bought, or found would be a Holodisk simply called 'Combat Targetting Software'. A script would have to check which you own, and give you either the first, or whichever upgrade is next in line. (For questlines, it'd be easier... you can't get v.2 without having gotten v.1, yet... but for bought and found ones, the lookup would have to be used, much like the Schematic upgrade system.)


If you've added any Upgrade Chips previously, you'd have to start out with 'Flash BIOS' to run the scripts to remove any active Perks and create the resulting (or 'originating', actually) chips in your inventory.


After that, you'd go in and choose, ['Slot 1'] and be shown a list of all '01' Upgrades you own.


Pick one, ['Combat Targetting Software-01'] and on confirmation are returned to the main page.


['Slot 1'] would be greyed out and you'd move on to ['Slot 2'] to be shown a list of all '01's and the single '10', if you owned the next version.


For more linear processing, it would probably be needed to have it understood that Upgrades must be done in a sequencial order. If you are going to have a higher version, you can't do 'UpgradeA', 'UpgradeB', and got back to 'UpgradeA' for the 3rd slot... The number of redundencies needed for that might become prohibitive. But I'd leave that up to the coders. I haven't dealt with coding for almost 15yrs... Heheheh.


But fill up the slots, then hit 'Update BIOS' to run the script to pull any chips from inventory and create the requisite Perks.


This way all scripts can be run WITHOUT a drop/sell/activate item in your inventory. It would also tether you, so that you couldn't just reprogram on the fly depending on the situation. (Tactical Strategy would be required, or sticking to a setup that meets your general needs all the time.)



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It's a start... But, I'm gonna guess that it won't get popular until something a little more "cutting edge" is released on it.


BUT, a post on there jogged me a bit. Locations/Items for found Upgrade Chips... The bloody Bobbleheads!


Two birds; one stone. Replace the default Bobbles with rebalanced Upgrades via the implants. Then we know we have at least a base set of 20 Chips to work with. Then just have to really "work" on where to place/quest for the v.2+ versions.


Don't forget my personal favorite Doc in the whole game, Pinkerton... heheheh. He and Sawbones in the Citadel should be the big-upgrade sellers. The ones that'll make people go, "Ooh... cool". Like 15%stealth/-30wg, +NV/-2cha (still unsure of mechanics for this... perhaps an item that requires a perk, like Power Armor does?), or Imp.AimZoom/-10lock&repair (harder to focus on very small, very close objects)...



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Yeah, but Sawbones is the one that should do the more physical upgrades... armor plating, reinforced bones, etc... Hurts like hell, but you'd expect that for what he's doing. Pinkerton... he's the advanced tech guy: Optics, powerful neural software, etc. Just like Moira would be just right for the quirky simple additions (+luck/-agi, +end/-resist, +resist/-DR, etc.).
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while I do like the idea of a perk that increase weapon zoom/accuracy, those are unfortuantly individaully calculated by the weapons, not by a single script, so i could either change them permantly with a mod, or leave them. Though their are mods that increase run speed, so that might be possible. The mention of zooming decreasing lockpicking/repair also gives for an idea for the inverse.
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how about night and heat visions? both could give -1 PER


and in opposition on zooming, how about microscopic vision: +lockpick/repair; -PER...


and is there gonna be perk that gives you ability to have more implants? I think it should have 3-5 levels and each level will need more END to get...


im against replacing bobbleheads (or replacing anything else), probably like most people here ^_^


kudos to JTS for doing this

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and in opposition on zooming, how about microscopic vision: +lockpick/repair; -PER...

Technically, that'd be Macroscopic (micro is closer to cellular level). Heheheh. But, I like where you're going with that.


Okay, too bad about being able to adjust zoom levels on weapons... having to edit ALL weapons (which most are messed with by mods already, anyways) is off the table.

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