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Can't stop starting new games.


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I to have started the game again a lot of times for reasons similar to you all. Getting the right mods, is one goal. The other one is playing the game in the right 'sequence'! Like not going through the main quest first of all and then the next in line and so on. I read somewhere, that doing the main quest to being called by the wizards and then concentrating on all the different quests before finishing the main one. Then there is the was to consider as last and you will have chosen your side in the meantime. The war done last. ...what do you guys think?

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I always do this too, this happened a lot especially in Morrowind, to the point that at the end just the thought of starting again made me sick. So I modified my character through console and used a mod which recalculated his skills as they would have been had he chosen a different list at the beginning. Maybe it's a cheat, but starting all over again for the 100th time is just torture.

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I'm in my second playthrough, and can't decide if I want to keep going or start another new one. My first character kind of fizzled out, but then I recently picked up Skyrim again and blazed through the main dragon quest line, pretty much completely ignoring anything to do with the "lowly" civil war ("c'mon guys, get along, I'm fighting dragons here by myself"). I actually really like how my playthrough went and my character. The end of the main quest really felt like a conclusion to his story.


However, what is a semi-retired dragonborn supposed to do? I keep debating on if I want to hang up my armor and put the Dragonbane in storage, and pursue my new hobby of magic at the College, or should I just start all over with a new character, leaving my current one to retire with Lydia and hang out with the Greybeards on the weekends. The character building is fun, and the leveling up is part of that, but I'm not sure I want to go through the early-level grinding and dying again so soon.


If I do keep playing at all, I'm pretty much set on going with a magic-using character, as that's the only main style I haven't used yet. I've also toyed with the idea of installing Tropical Skyrim for something very different.

Edited by ponyboy10
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Ya'll are just predator bait...been snagged....hook, line and sinker.

Same here.

With me, it's a matter of trying to experience too much too quick. I must learn to enjoy the story...the lore...the scenery? This is hard when you are new to Skyrim.

I finally have the game looking good, now, i'm trying out the followers (vanilla) with AFT....

What's next? Dunno.

One thing is for sure...It's gonna be a long time 'for' I get that hook our of my mouth.

Maybe it's time to let the game come to me, instead of trying to force it ?

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I did that as well since I discovered the game this January. 1st playthrough was vanilla & ended at around lvl 20 when I discovered the Nexus and the treasure trove in it. Then I restarted a couple of times with different mods, upgraded my computer for higher quality graphics, and restarted again. That time I completed the main quest line only to feel letdown - destroying Alduin seemed like the apex and I didn't see what else I could do that would top it. So I restarted once more and went to lvl 50 where I finished the main Dragonborn quest (Miraak) thinking I should get rid of a minor evil before tackling Alduin - and my save game got corrupt. So I uninstalled everything, moved Steam away from C:\Program Files - reinstalled everything and shopped for the best graphic mods. I'm in this game now. But something's wrong - my system has become unstable when I play the game - multiple CTDs and such - too many high res mods I guess. Anyhow I deactivated SMIMM and now it won't load anymore. I thought my upgraded system (i5 4-cores - GForce 740 2G + 12 G of RAM) would be enough to handle anything but alas it appears I was wrong. So I suppose I'll have to restart once more without SMIMM embedded in the save game. If that is the culprit. However redoing the same early stages over and over is getting old.

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What do you guys think regarding the 'right sequence' as a way to play tho???? :mellow:

It's really open-ended. I've only really finished the main quest (the dragon one), mostly ignoring anything Civil War-related because I (a) wasn't too interested and (b) it didnt' fit with my character. As others have said, it feels like this should be the conclusion of the game, but it kind of leaves you off to continue your adventure, so it really doesn't matter. The Civil War thing is still there, along with the side quests. I was a little disappointed that there wasn't more fanfare after finishing the main quest though, and I guess that's the nature of the beast, but I might recommend saving that for a while if you want to do other stuff. For me, having the main quest done, it doesn't feel like anything is as important, and coincidentally I kind of want to change from a sneak/combat specialist to playing around as a magic-user. The problem I have now though, is that enemies are pretty tough for me to be changing to a new play-style, but I also don't really want to start completely over yet.

Edited by ponyboy10
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When you are level 35-45 and you are already god of some guild, daedra.. It makes you feel heavy.. reluctant to move on..
I wish in the next game they don't make you the chosen one of every thing..
It is possible to write interesting quest and stories without you always being somesort of god send. It's just the lack of effort in writing.
Lore is great but NPC's can't be more dull. Bethesda you should inspect "Interesting npc's" mod really carefully. Maybe you learn a thing or two about how to make charachters and quests.

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When you are level 35-45 and you are already god of some guild, daedra.. It makes you feel heavy.. reluctant to move on..

I wish in the next game they don't make you the chosen one of every thing..

It is possible to write interesting quest and stories without you always being somesort of god send. It's just the lack of effort in writing.

Lore is great but NPC's can't be more dull. Bethesda you should inspect "Interesting npc's" mod really carefully. Maybe you learn a thing or two about how to make charachters and quests.

Agreed, even if that seems to be a common theme for the elder scrolls universe. I just played through Dishonored before this, and that had a great game world. You were a bad-@$$ character, but hardly the god-like persona you can achieve in Skyrim. The NPCs were all very interesting too, even if they may have been more stringently scripted. That said, Dishonored is not quite the open-world/sandbox game that Skyrim is.

On a side note, it would be nice to see an included way to make it easier to jump into new characters -- either with the option for different starting points, wider or more-varied questlines, or something. I also keep thinking it would be really cool to allow for switchable playable characters, this way you could create a party of 2-3 people and switch between them so you can try out different play styles w/o being handicapped or needing to start over.

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