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Can't stop starting new games.


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I suffer from what i now call "Elder scrolls Anal syndrome" In short it is where one is never happy with the way one has played out the game, and start again.


My example:

I'm constantly dissatisfied with the way i have played the game and start a new game/character, whether it be because I'm dissatisfied with the look or type of character Ive created or the order Ive done the quests in. I have suffered from this "perfectionist condition" since oblivion was released, i may sometimes think when DLC is released that maybe i would be better off starting a new game ? since skyrim was released i have many times got my character to level 40-50 and thought, somethings not right here, I've raced through the game and not listened to what the NPC'S have been saying and don't know what the quests are about so i need to start again, the quests are all wrong !

Am I alone on this ? anyone else suffer from this ?.


I don't quite have this problem, but I do create a lot of new characters. Most of them are "concept" characters, though - not ones I intend to really clear the whole game with. Even so I do end up rather fond of some of them.


How much a play with them depends on what is required to get them "finished." For example one of my more successful ones required me to beat the Companions questline in order to get a particular sword. I'm thinking my latest will need to win the civil war for the Stormcloaks and go through the Dark Brotherhood questline.


My very first character is still by far my best, though, probably because she developed in a more organic way. Non of my other characters are even close to matching her in terms of accomplishments.

Edited by Relativelybest
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Well I have started yet again fellas' with the intention of becoming first the thane of Whiterun and then do all Whiterun quests! Then move to other cities and do the same. This way I think the game will be more challenging and interesting ! All without joining the war! The problem is, that many city quests are tied up with the war, so it might be better to join the war afterwards and leave the main quest until last! :sick: It looks as if things are developing that way anyway! :ohmy: :laugh:

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I think this is working guys ... Tackling one place at a time I mean and talking to everybody and taking things SLOWLY.


I have had a fresh start, done Helgen bit. Concentrated in getting Riverood done, now need to see the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragon. You HAVE to follow this route, more or less, if you want to get anywhere in the plot. You need your Breezhome for a start. So I am going to get as far as the call from the Greybeards and then get involved with the civil war.


Contrary to what is normally suggested up here, it looks to me as if you have to get the civil war out of the way, or at least going that way early in the game. I shall endeavour to tackle all the cities as I go and all the city quests also. Not sure if this will work out as planned ..but it looks a good idea here.


Not sure when I will join the war, or on who's side. but e will see how things develop here! :turned:

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for some reason i always start out joining the imperials and never the stormcloaks. neither do i like the dark brotherhood. Because of this the game gets quite repetitive too but however i try i just can't play a character that isn't at the imperials side, it just feels bad.

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I suffer from what i now call "Elder scrolls Anal syndrome" In short it is where one is never happy with the way one has played out the game, and start again.


My example:

I'm constantly dissatisfied with the way i have played the game and start a new game/character, whether it be because I'm dissatisfied with the look or type of character Ive created or the order Ive done the quests in. I have suffered from this "perfectionist condition" since oblivion was released, i may sometimes think when DLC is released that maybe i would be better off starting a new game ? since skyrim was released i have many times got my character to level 40-50 and thought, somethings not right here, I've raced through the game and not listened to what the NPC'S have been saying and don't know what the quests are about so i need to start again, the quests are all wrong !

Am I alone on this ? anyone else suffer from this ?.


I suffer from this, but I blame it on the modders. If they weren't so creative, I could stick to a static Skyrim and develop my perfect character to level 200 in no time. But, noooooo... the modders have to keep changing my little world and that compels me to check out all the new and interesting stuff in different ways. Its a plot far more sinister than any Thalmor could have devised. But, I'll show them! I'll figure out the perfect way to play no matter how many mods they make or how many characters it takes to reach level 200! Skyrim belongs to the persistent!

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Oooooh yes. Goddess knows how may kazillion hours I've played (>5,000, I know that) and in that time I've actually

killed Alduin

only once (and that at a cost to my SAN score, I trow).

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"I think this is working guys ... Tackling one place at a time I mean and talking to everybody and taking things SLOWLY."

Amen to that...I'm doing the same with my current chacter, and, am enjoying the game a little more than before....Smellin the coffee!

Hope it last!

BYW....I'm thinking about a new character (again) :) This one will be a destruction/archer/ 5 star general who will command a 5 follower group of varied warroirs. This 5 star unit will be accomplished via AFT...
A spellsword, a two-handed tank, a conjuration mage, an archer and a healer...with me giving orders and leading from behind. :)

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It's because skyrim is empty, unfinished and bad, the quests and game world are boring, you really want to enjoy the game but you can't so you keep downloading new mods, starting over and hoping for it to be better next time but it doesn't work. I've had the game for a long time but I've never completed it because of this exact reason. Just my opinion.

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It's because skyrim is empty, unfinished and bad, the quests and game world are boring, you really want to enjoy the game but you can't so you keep downloading new mods, starting over and hoping for it to be better next time but it doesn't work. I've had the game for a long time but I've never completed it because of this exact reason. Just my opinion.

Skyrim isn't bad, the game world is just so massive and there is just so much to do that you sort of get overwhelmed. The same problem with Skyrim is the same problem with MMO's such as WoW. There is just so much content and different playstyles that you just can't play it once and be done.


Also Skyrim is far from being a bad game. It's a great one. The fact that it has such a massive modding community is proof that it's good. (Bad games don't have such a large community that is willing to mod it).


The very fact that people are still playing the game three years after it was released is pretty damn amazing.

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