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Looking for help on which laptop to get for Skyrim


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I'd like to get a new gaming laptop, and Skyrim is one of the games i want to play on it. I need to wait for Tax Refund to come in before i can afford one, but the main point of this topic is to gain multiple opinions of what kind of laptop i'll need to play Skyrim smoothly (no lag) on the highest settings.


Obviously, my comp atm cant handle Skyrim on high. I have to turn just about everything off/low and have textures on medium to barely play without lag.


So can anyone chime in on their opinions of what kind of laptop to look for so i can play Skyrim on high. I'm HOPING to get a laptop at around $1200 - 1500. Like most people, we're hurting financially. I dont see getting a tax refund over 1500.


I know people are going to say to get the best one out there, and as i'd LOVE to get it, i cant afford a $3000-4000 laptop. I need the MINIMUM specs to play skyrim on high settings.


Thanks for your time.

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well, i have a decent laptop, minus a good video card. The main reason i'm getting a laptop is so i can take it with me on trips rather then take my desktop computer. Also, i'd like to use a 2nd computer on some online games, however, im not allowed to get a 2nd desktop. So getting a laptop is a good excuse. Thats' 2 reasons why i want a laptop over a desktop. As for the heating thing, i can always get one of those fan pads or whatever they're called for my laptop.
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Go onto a xoticpc and find a good laptop with at least a 660gtx or higher with at least 2gb memorythat should run just fine. and yeah all you need is a cooling pad or w/e its called. Desktop is a pain in the ass tbh.

this is the one i wanted to get http://www.xoticpc.com/sager-np9150-clevo-p150em-p-4341.html it has gtx 670mx gpu with 3gb ram.


asus g55 is also very popular

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Just FYI, Skyrim, being a 32-bit program, is unable to access any RAM beyond 4GB, so go for 8GB if you need it in other areas, but don't get it because of Skyrim...


Basically, I'd say:

• CPU: Get the fastest one possible for the money you have to spend.

• RAM: 4GB is all Skyrim needs.

• HD: Get an SSD (doesn't have to be huge).

• Video: Your sticking point. Laptops don't have much unless you specifically buy a gaming machine, so get the best you can. I like Nvidia's chipsets.

• Screen: I know you probably want the largest possible, but fewer pixels to run means more video memory for processing graphics. Big screen is good, super-high resolution won't be.


Best of luck!

(I bought a Win8 tablet with my refund :thumbsup: )

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ok, so for Skyrim, the only thing i really need to worry about is the Video Card. As for the Screen, i was planning on getting something with a 1920 x 1080 resolution. HDMI enabled so i can hook it to my TV while playing games on my laptop. (Cousin tells me i want to find a laptop that supports 1920 x 1080 resolution.)


Also, this laptop isnt going to be just for Skyrim, it'll be for a few other games as well. Skyrim is just one of them i'm worried about.

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