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Just installed SKYRE and on first impression everything seems to have been installed correctly and the game hasnt imploded. I have two questions though. i had a mod that changed the guard outfits in each town to add variety as I hate those closed helms. Seems that after SKYRE they are all back to the default setting. Likewise the damage rating of weapons and the armour rating of armour have gone up. I am guessing that the latter is to do with SKYRE but I am somewhat confused with the former.


Any ideas please


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Were you using Immersive Armors? If so, there is a compatibility patch here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19733 for that and it will correct that issue. If not, what mod was it?


The latter you are correct on - SkyRe changes the damage/armor ratings on all gear for combat. It is modular and can be disabled if you want.

Edited by Takarazuka
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