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Swan Pond is glitching out


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Hey there-

This anomaly only started today. I'm getting disappearing objects only at Swan Pond. Trees, benches, rock walls, and some of the building walls by the tour bot will disappear/reappear depending on angle.

The only mod I have added recently is "Load Accelarator." I dont see how that could have any effect.

I read that setting bUseCombinedObjects=0 might help but won't that screw up FPS and other issues? I like to change ini's as little as posssible.

I also saw the mod "No more disappearing act" suggested but that is just for issues in build settlements I believe.

Any clue in the right direction would be appreciated.



EDIT: Ok, setting bUseCombinedObjects=0 does indeed fix the issue....but, is there another way? From anything I have read about using that setting ,it's just bad news. I would like to keep things as simple and safe as possible.

Edited by UgTheViking
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Do you have any mod that add/modify things in this place?


Things disappearing like this are related to Pre-combined meshes (as you discovered with the ini setting), so you probably have a conflict with 2 mods that make changes to the place.

Try remembering any mod that add something to the pond and either disable it or move it to the bottom of the load the other and test to see if it is gone.

In some cases, load order can fix the problem nicely.

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Hmm....the only mods I have that I think would alter that area are "Natural green grass" And "Commonwealth conifers" (Which I used without the suggested ini setting of bUseCombinedObjects=0) and "Wasteland illumination" but I had these installed for awhile with no issues.

It just baffles me why it would start yesterday. Anyway, guess I'll just start going down my mod list.

Thank you very much for the reply.

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Maybe it's just that single place. I also use Wasteland Illumination, but i have FI FPS FIX loaded after it. I don't think it changes precombines, just add the light spots. Maybe a different version? I can't remember now.


If a mod only add things to the world, without changing how it looks, then it should not conflict.

If any mod changes pre combines, than yes, this can happen.

LIke FI FPS Fix, or Boston FPS Fix and Beantown Interiors.

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Ok, after reading the "Texture disappearing/reappearing" post here I decided to try, [Display]

bUsePreCulledObjects=0 , and it worked. I still have bUseCombinedObjects=1.

I suppose my question is, will this setting cause any issues down the road?

I wasn't able to find much info on it.

And way cool for your reply.


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Humm never heard of this before.

I believe you already searched for it. People say that this can suddenly limit building area on settlements, or maybe cause the same problem but in interiors (missing textures/meshes).


Guess you should be safe to just save, close the game and return it back to 1 if you face problems. But i really don't know :s

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To check if it is a preculling issue open your console Usually the tilde key ~ and type TPC and press enter. if the objects return it is a preculling issue and not precombines. Your likely culprit is Fo4FI_FPS fix which by design is incompatible with anything that makes world edits in any way shape or form.


Note: to test this disable Fo4FI_FPS and reload that wold space. if the objects return then adjust your load order with Fo4FI at the top below UFO4P or remove the 7.9GB mod.

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