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Materials for Mod (Texture/Modeler wanted) People Of the Wastes


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I am seeking Materials/stuff I can use for my upcoming mod. It involves expanding on the Wastes making over 100 Npcs or so to Add background and etc. Just like my Oblivion Mod "Raiders Of cyrodill" I will make at least 2-3 factions Players can join or can fight against each other.


Your Work will be Credited at the upmost respect and will be top of the list of the mod. All I need is Simple armors and/or weapons. If you wanna help just post and tell me what your making. When your done send it to me and i'll Include it in the mod.

Any Authors who wish to include exsisting mods feel free to tell me I'll add it. If ne1 suggests a mod be sure to noify the author first.


NOTE: I am not a texture/modeler so don't ask why I don't make it myself. It would be stupid to have someone make mediocre armors and weapons for a big mod.






Blue Combat Armor - Just like the orginal but with tint of blue. Make it look like the regular armor just blue.


Decal Combat armor with FullMask Combat helmet - Regular combat armor with a symbol of a Sword on the chest in White or w/e color looks good. Color of armor itself can be camo or anything that will make it USA military lookig. The Helmet i'm looking for is like a pilot mask with a combat helmet. Or Just a combat helmet with a gas mask attachement, think Imperial army from warhammer :D.


Tan/desert Tesla armor - Tesla armor with texture of desert or just tan. Tan like Tenpenny secuirty tan lol.




m1grand - Simple M1Grand, nothing special just a rifle that looks and sounds like it.


FN-FAL - automatic, you can make it so it looks less modern I just need a gun like it. http://sevencolors.org/images/photo/small_arms_big.jpg - LINK for picture.


Springfield - Nothing special just another weapon in the aresenal



Thats it for now Thanks for reading and everything in advance.

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