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Issues regarding 1st person view/crosshair problem


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Well this is what heppened: I installed colorwheels overhaul to get some of the mods,and then overwrited it with Roberts female body and the BBB pack (I did choose the H cup,and lower M or L body),after I launched the game I noticed that my view was way too high,and I had problem activating objects such as doors and talking with NPCs.

For instance the 3rd person is apparently normal,but having the cursor issues,and when I use the 1st person view,it's in the roof height,and I have to sneak and look down a lot to activate something.


To fix it I installed coronerras,then roberts male ,then the female body,than the HGEC cups,it didn't work,then I tried the same thing,but with growlf's skeleton,and no success as well.


This happened with me before and I fixed it by overwritting some mods,but I don't remember which ones anymore.


Can anyone help me with this problem?Please this thing is making the gameplay horrible =/


(Ohh and sorry I didn't post screenshots even by modifying the ini file I didn't find them,and ALL the mods said above are updated)

Edited by Baconsama
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Have you tried the BBB DeadlyReflex6UnnecessaryViolenceII CompatibilitySkeleton? Not sure if it includes a first person skeleton or not (if not try copying the skeleton.nif from the meshes\characters\_male folder to meshes\characters\_1stperson folder (after backing up the skeleton.nif that is currently in your meshes\characters\_1stperson folder of course)
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No problem. Did it include a first person skeleton or did you need to use the trick?


- Edit - Downloaded it to check it out ... I see now that it is only the first person skeleton.

Edited by Striker879
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