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Skyrim script lag


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This is actually getting really annoying. When I pick nirnroot, catch butterflies, trigger traps etc. the effects happen a few seconds after they should. For example when picking nirnroot or mining, the sound is delayed a few seconds, and the plant or the veins don't disappear, then I get the sound a few seconds after as well as the effect.


It only happens when limiting framerate though. I tried doing it in Nvidia settings, monitor at 120hz and setting it to half adaptive framerate, tried setting monitor to 60hz and then using Skyrim settings, even tried with a 60hz monitor. And not limiting it causes even more problems, flickering water, flying mammoths and clutter flying around indoors.


Any suggestions? Oh and I already use SKSE.

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What are your computer specs?

Have you shut down all unnecessary background programs, including browsers, IM, Auto scans. autoupdates, and are you running with Steam in offline mode? Also have you disabled autosaves?

When you are playing, if you have very little memory available, your game has to wait for your memory to be available...and that could cause the effects you are seeing.


You might also try forcing off VSync, if you haven't already.

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I doubt it has anything to do with my computer.


I2500k, GTX 690, 8GB ram, SSD.


And yes, I don't have anything on the background running other than Fraps (to show fps, not recording). Haven't disabled autosaves, do they slow down the game when not actually autosaving? And yea, autoupdates disabled, Steam offline. Besides. it's not memory or even normal lag, FPS stays at 60 or 120-140 with vsync off. A good example would be picking a torch from a wall. The torch disappears right away, then after a few seconds I hear the sound and the light disappears. And disabling vsync is really bad lol. I have it disabled from skyrimprefs.ini anyway as it does no good there and keeps it at 120 not 60 and set to half monitor refresh rate in Nvidia menu. But I've also tried setting the monitor to 60hz, another 60hz monitor and both disabling vsync in Skyrim settings and enabling it in Nvidia ones and vice versa.


The problem does disappear with vsync completely off but over 60 fps causes flying mammoths and the physics go crazy plus it gets kinda spiky in some places.

Edited by Lyzbeth
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Try putting these settings in your Skyrim.ini









Edited by steve40
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  • 2 months later...

Its coming from the Scripts folder "Data/Scripts"... i tried to run without the folder itself, worked pretty clean and fast and repaired the save freeze and 60 sec freeze yet all mods that requires scripts are disabled, Mods like Skyrim Redone requires a big bunch of scripts around 60 .pax file, so the more mods you add the more your game is going to be worse

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  • 1 year later...

texture mods don't have permanent effects, if you open them you must only see a data folder then texture or mesh folder, no other thing

the scripts mods usually are in data folder with .esm or .esp extensions, some of them have many script in script folder, these are dangerous, eventhough there are tools for cleaning you savegame from scripts, they're still fiddle with your game and you'll notice them in long term

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can someone list the most Script lagger mods? I have script lag, not so much, but im not able to use hotkeys during combat becuase of 2 or 3 seconds of delay. Im thinking to uninstall Frostfall and RND, but Im not really sure if they are heavy scripted

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  • 1 month later...

Can someone list the most Script lagger mods? I have script lag, not so much, but im not able to use hotkeys during combat becuase of 2 or 3 seconds of delay. Im thinking to uninstall Frostfall and RND, but Im not really sure if they are heavy scripted

Both RND and Frostfall are heavily scripted, I would first try adjusting your ini Papyrus settings. Look on the Frostfall page/troubleshooting section for possible solutions

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