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The Companions Quest Line is Disappearing From my Game


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I don't start doing the quest lines until I get all of the preliminary stuff out of the way. I join the Companions at the start of a new game, but by the time I get around to doing quests the Companions no longer offer work and the quest option to see the Companion leaders for work has disappeared from my list of quest. That stops the Companion Quest line dead in it's tracks. I don't know if some mod is causing that or what. I wouldn't think that a mod could cause that. This has been happening to me on at least my last five play throughs.


Is anyone else have that problem or knows what is causing it or knows of a way to restart the Companion Quest line?

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  • 6 months later...

i have the same problems.

i bring aela her shield. farkas shows me the quarters and gives me the first mission to prove myself. after that i do his quest and talk to him and then it stops. no more quests, no quests in questlog, i talked to all the companionleaders but no one gives me work.

Edited by Bangtastic
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