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Silver Sword Scabbard Request for Mod or Assistance with Mod


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Maybe you guys can help me. I use the "Dual Sheath plus Shield on Back" by DarkPhoenix with the option file "Weapons on Back", so all my One Handed (1H) swords are on my back. But the scabbards for most 1H weapons by default have a huge ugly belt loop hanging off it. Having my 1H sword on my back with the belt loops sticking out in mid air holding nothing is considerably annoying and not realistic. Mostly with the Silver Sword, and Dawnbreaker I have noticed it with. But anyway, I attempted to swap the Silver Swords (1H) scabbard with the Silver Greatswords (2H) scabbard...


I loaded both silversword.nif and silvergreatsword.nif with NifSkope.

I copied the branch "NiTriShape SCB (12)" from silvergreatsword.nif

I deleted the branch "NiTriShape SCB (9) from silversword.nif

I pasted the branch "NiTriShape SCB (12) from silvergreatsword.nif, to silversword.nif.

I changed the value to SCB (9)

I changed the position and size (Translation: Y-0.0000 X-5.0000 Z-0.0000, Scale: 0.7000)

I clicked Transform > Apply.

I clicked save.

I opened Skyrim and still only the One Hand Scabbard shows up.


I did nothing more or less than that. What am I doing wrong? Any assistance you guys could provide would be very appreciated.

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2h Silver Greatsword comes with a vanilla scabbard? Seems my memory is bad :D

I could remove the loop if you want, like this...both .nif files to be placed in ...\Skyrim\data\meshes\weapons\silver\





Edited by ghosu
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Ok so after checking it out in game, it's not exactly aligned with the sword, and like I said, I use a mod that puts my 1H weapons on my back on either side. So when I use it in my main hand as I usually do, it flips the scabbard backwards so the belt loop is facing the camera if I am in third person, not my back like it should be.


This might help...

This is the Dual Sheath plus Shields on Back



This is for the silver replacer I have been using. (where I got the greatsword scabbard idea from).



I'm sorry for being such a pain in the a$$. I still love your face.



I think the rotation is off and for some reason in the mesh it is aligned correctly but when it's in game it's not aligned with the scabbard correctly.

That is why I linked my silver sword replacer and weapons on back. Maybe I am missing something that your more experienced eyes won't. Again I thank you for any assistance you can provide and for any work you do.

Edited by antihero420
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Rotated the scabbard 180°, it's on the other side now. http://www.gamefront.com/files/22881554/silver.rar


Though i just downloaded the mod and as i see it adds his own scabbards as armor addon if i understand it correctly, so this rotated version won't help...no motivation to extract the archive and check this out :D

Edited by ghosu
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