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How to mod the correct way (Newbie)


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Back up your saves, grab Fraps and give it a go - you can't really know how well your system will handle it until you've tried, so download them all, activate and see what happens! If your FPS keels over, then optimise Skyrim (fiddle with SkyrimPrefs.ini, get performance improving mods like Skyrim Performance Plus and ATTK Power Loader - which requires SKSE, but then what doesn't) and start getting rid of the more performance-heavy mods until you're happy with Skyrim. With NMM and BOSS, playing with mods is relatively safe and migraine-free.


How do I install BOSS? I can't find any directions on it. If I just put it in the NMM folder would it install through that?


NVM: I seen that it had to be downloaded through google downloads and when I went to the page I seen the installer :blink: Still wondering about SKSE install and load order

Edited by RavageTheEarth
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Generally speaking SKSE is a small collection of files that you'll have to copy into Skyrims main directory, then when you launch Skyrim you'll have to use SKSEs SKSE loader executable file.


So I extract everything in the zip folder into the main directory? and do I launch Skyrim using the SKSE_loader.exe everytime I go to play the game?

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Sorry for having 3 posts in a row with different questions. It would be really helpful if you could help answer them. Thanks guys, as always.


So I'm reading http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Load_order_recommendations


it says:


Oblivion.esm - this MUST be the first thing in the list.

All other .esm files All .esm files MUST be before any .esp files.

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Shivering Isles.esp

Unofficial Shivering Isles patch

Weather/Environment/Sound Mods

Minor Mods/New Items/Houses/DLC's (Post-Completion)

Note: any DLC patch should go directly after the DLC it changes, no matter where the DLC is located

Major Overhaul Mods (FCOM, OOO, MMM etc)

Any compatibility patches for the major overhaul mods

Mods that specifically conflict with overhauls and need to take precedence

DLC's (Pre-Completion)

Quests (these can be moved up after completion of the quest)

Compatibility Patches/UOMP/Merged Leveled Lists

Special handling mods - Streamline, Deadly Reflex etc.

Bashed patch (if bash is used)


I'm guessing this applies to Skyrim as well. So first would come Skyrim.esm Is that the main .exe file??

Next would be the unofficial Skyrim patch. Then would be Climates of Tamriel and all the mods that would go along with that, correct? Now does major overhaul mods mean things like 2k textures? What is an example of a compatibility patch for a major overhaul? Am I reading this right? You don't have to answer all of those questions, if you could just answer one you would help me be one step closer to answering all of these.

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Yea I have absolutely no idea how this whole BOSS thing works is someone could tell me how to use it that would be great. I think I have figured out the SKSE thing. I just extract it to the main directory and then use the SKyrim_loader.exe to start the game when I go to play. I have been searching and searching to find out how to use BOSS with no luck. I just want to know how to use it and how it works with NMM. http://code.google.com/p/better-oblivion-sorting-software/wiki/NewMembersGettingStarted I just read this and it makes no sense in my brain.
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This will explain BOSS and load order importance:


With all due respect, I think you're looking into the whole process in too much detail. What I mean by that is that you won't really need to concern yourself with most of the matters that you're predicting - in the reality of things, the vast majority of well made mods don't conflict with other mods. The only "normal" circumstance where conflicts may occur is if you try to use two mods that mod the game in the same or similar way. I've only every found one mod that had compatibility mod "extra files" made for it and that's Vurts Flora Overhaul - but this was basically a matter of common sense - if another mod (say a tree mod) had an issue or affected the merging of that mod and Flora Overhaul then the mod author should inform you of this on the tree mod description page and release any compatibility files to make both mods work / work well together. If there are no compatibility files made available you either use Boss to prioritise the two mods, manually merge the mods together yourself and hope it works out, or just use one of the mods.


I honestly do think you need to watch a whole load of Gophers' videos, it'll answer loads of questions for you.

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Ok thanks a lot. You are definetly correct, I am looking into this way too deeply. I guess the best way for me to learn is to just do it hands-on. I really do appreciate all of your help and I'm sorry if I annoyed anyone by my ridiculously stupid questions haha. I have learned a lot and I think I will feel comfortable starting to mod for the first time. and LargeStyle, send me a message with a link to your mod when you are finished. I am excited to try it out and endorse it. I am going to microcenter to pick up the rest of the parts for my build on friday, so I'll be up and running by then. Thank you to everyone and I will definetly update and post some screenshots once I get up and running. Much appreciated -Josh
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Just got my 7950 and I got the boost edition! 960Mhz core clock instead of 880Mhz which is stock. I'm going to Microcenter on Saturday to pick up the rest of the stuff for my build so if I have any questions I'll ask after I'm up and running.
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I am a newbie I have several annoying problems with Nexus Mod Manager. (V0.523

This is one of them....


I have several AFT mods for followers - 3 in fact.

They come with different Zip names. One is the main file, the other is a no damage mod, and no dance mod.


The problem that I am having is when I install these it is fine I can see Under the MODs tab the 3 mods.

But after I click the circular arrow (I believe it retrieves info for the mod from Nexus) my installed mods get

renamed to the same name "AFT Followers Tweak" and loses the original distinct names!


The exact same thing happens with Interesting NPC. I believe that this is due to the sane numbers in the file names.

For the 2 files that are interesting NPC mods they are v3.08-8429-3-08

for the 3 AFT mods they are 1_01-15524-1-00 , 1_01-15524-1-0 and 1_01-15524-1-01 they are the same except for the last set of numbers.


You can see how this causes a serious problem for a newie especially when I have crashes I disable one of them

and I don't exactly know which one I am disabling.


Is there a way to stop this happening? Its driving me nuts.


I read in a post that the mod files can be renamed before installing which I have tried



I renamed the ZIP file say "aaaaaa.zip" to "main UNP file aaaaaa.zip" and Installed but the same thing happens.

So I tried renaming it after activation but (I can't be sure of this as it is just a passing observation of the behaviour )

this triggers the Manager to download a fresh copy!!!!!


I am sure I am being a Newb but is there something I am doing wrong?


I like the circular button feature as it lets me know the lateat version but I am thinking it is not worth the hassel.








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