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How To Get BSAs To Overwrite Vanilla Textures?


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Hi. I finished packing up some texture mods into one BSA for Skyrim (not Special Edition or VR), but the game doesn't load these textures. I prefer my textures in BSA format, as it seems to speed up loading.

Is there a way to get BSAs to overwrite vanilla textures in Skyrim? I know that in Fallout Tale Of Two Wastelands, you need to create an empty override file to get BSAs to overwrite vanilla textures, but this method doesn't seem to work for Skyrim.

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There are two methods to get a BSA to load:

1. Have a matching plugin in your load order (both ESP and BSA need to have the same name). The BSA will then load at the same point as the ESP. Thus overriding anything before it and being overridden by anything after it.

2. Add the BSA to the resource archive list entry in the Skyrim.INI file (you'll have to google for instructions as I do not remember which of the two entries should be used). This will load the BSA after the BSAs listed before it in the INI entry but be overridden by everything else.


The first method gives you the most control over what can override the files inside the BSA. But it does take up a plugin slot and if you are already pushing the limit, might be better to just leave the files loose.

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You may have loose files from another mod taking priority. You may also have files in another BSA loaded later that is taking priority. You should test your ESP / BSA combo as the only active mod (both left and right sides of MO2) to confirm whether it works or not.

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I believe the paper clip indicates that there is an INI file being loaded with the plugin that will override settings in any previously loaded INI. If you mouse over the plugin entry in the load order a tool tip should appear that gives you more information. Every plugin I have with a paper clip icon has a note about there being an INI file being loaded with said plugin.

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