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Weird Issue with NVSE


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So I recently re-installed NVSE because I realized it actually wasn't working, so now it works, however every time I load a saved game all the graphics are present for about half a second then it kind of zooms in? I guess it's weird, but something weird happens and then everything turns grey, I tried messing with the graphics settings, updating drivers etc. nothing has worked so far, any solutions? anyone else having this problem?
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To make sure I'm understanding what you're saying, let me summarize:


FNV, No Mods, No NVSE: Works

FNV, Mods, No NVSE: Works, but mods are broken because NVSE isn't present.

FNV, No Mods, NVSE: Broken.

FNV, Mods, NVSE: Broken


Is that correct?

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