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The Popularity of Lydia


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Almost since I took my first steps in Skyrim, I have always wondered why Lydia is so popular. What makes her special? Why does everybody like her so much? Jordis looks just like her except that she is blonde.


So whats the big deal about her?

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I´ve seen that one. But that was not what I had in mind. :facepalm:


I´d like to know the real reason. But if that is the reason she´s so popular, I am going to start a Save Lydia Foundation.

Edited by Niborino9409
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I´ve seen that one. But that was not what I had in mind. :facepalm:


Really though, I think that video (and a few others) is probably why. Most of the time I see her as the companion who really dosen't want to be a companion. There was nothing really specially about her except that she always sounded bored. Then that video (plus, a few from Tyrannicon featuring Lydia as Throthgard's the Dragonborn Coward's main squeeze (and I probably spelled all of that wrong)), and suddenly Lydia's the go to girl of Skyrim. Power of social media.

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There was a really long thread on this back like a year ago. Probably you can find it if you just search "lydia" on this board.


Personally, I am not that sold on her, but I definitely was more when I played the first couple of times. I think, especially in the vanilla game, she has the likeable qualities of being the first really useful follower you can pick up--she is a decent fighter, and she carries a lot of stuff. Eventually I always got tired of her sarcasm, but some people enjoy that more than others. Still I remember the pain I felt the first time she died on me. I decided to let her stay dead, and felt guilty the rest of that playthrough,


These days she just putters around in Breezehome and invariably accuses my custom follower of "being lost" whenever he enters.

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What's not to love? No one can eat more of your bread, stare longer at you when you sleep, move in a more masculine manner, run face first into traps (repeatedly) more eagerly, get in the way of your ranged attacks or block a narrow passage in higher style, than dear Lydia. And, of course, no one in the history of mankind has ever uttered the words "I'm sworn to carry your burdens" in a more annoying, passive-aggressive way.


She really deserves a lovely

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Think of her as a Skyrim Meme. Just like the Iron Helmet, Fus-Roh-Dah, or Nazeem. It's not that she's any better than any other follower. It's the fact that she's most likely the first follower you'll acquire, and the one you're most likely to spend a lot of time with in the beginning. So because EVERYONE had her, and got used to her, she became an emblem of Skyrim. In her case, a Skyrim Meme.
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