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Craftable Woods & Bardic Spell-songs


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Two very different suggestions/requests- I'd love to see a variety of woods, oak, alder, ash, walnut, maybe some exotics, like Bubinga and Paduak, implemented for making various wooden items. Different woods could be suitable for different things- oak and walnut might be suitable for weapons like clubs and staves, while softer woods like pine and mahogany could be used for decorative and storage items, like furniture, walking sticks, crates, etc... (I admit, I am still baffled as to why Ebony is treated like a metal in Skyrim. )


And, on an entirely different tangent- with all the shouting going on, and with bards, and epic poetry, why are there no bardic spell-songs? Honestly, I'd be happy if someone would teach the bards of skyrim a few new entertaining ditties, but having spellsongs, which might be based on Speech tree perks, or some balance of speech tree and the appropriate magic skill tree perks, (conjuration, healing, alteration- all would fit bard songs nicely!) with something like a shout for a trigger, and an invested magic style of sustain....

Edited by FathomsDeep
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