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werewolves that sneak!


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Title says it all.


I mean, the animation wouldnt be that different.


Maybe just a slower version of its sprint.

Wolves are hunters, not 'run in swinging my claws at everything hoping i can eat enough so i wont die'.


I'd kind of like to be able to stalk my prey, then lunge at their neck from behind in one fatal pounce.


I mean, come on-why is this not a thing?


Why is this not a thing in the first place??



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  • 1 month later...

You are definitely not alone in these thoughts!!! I was watching Gopher's Let's Play, and he brought it to my attention actually! It really does make sense, and it would make being a werewolf more dimensional. It would also allow you to get closer to settlements without alerting guards and townsfolk, or travellers on the road, and, of course, you'd actually be able to hunt your prey!


Hopefully someone gets on this very soon, as I'm thinking of becoming a werewolf in my current playthrough! Ideally, they could add this feature to the Tales of Lycanthropy mod, because I really like that mod! I'm going to PM the mod author!

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This is BRILLIANT. I hated playing as a werewolf because of the fact that everything with a pulse is out to kill you...this would make it so much easier to avoid trouble.

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