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Totally New to Oblivion Modding, Reccomendations?


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I've owned Oblivion for several years now, but my modding focus has exclusively been on Skyrim. After playing Oblivion for a few hours recently, I've decided that I don't care about a "pure" vanilla experience and want to dive into mods, with a few caveats. My computer is a laptop with a Radeon R5 integrated graphics chip with 6 gigs of RAM, a 3.1 ghz processor with 5 cores, and 8 gigs of RAM. According to System Requirements Lab, my laptop meets and/or exceeds both minimum and recommended requirements for running Oblivion. However, with graphics set to max, I get EXTREMELY poor FPS, making the game unplayable. So it looks like high resolution texture mods are right out.


I haven't had a chance to skim through mod categories yet, but I'm not dumb enough to assume modding for Oblivion is the same as it is for Skyrim. I've seen a few videos mentioning a gigantic mod pack that's no longer available, but I'll probably be building a mod stack from scratch. What do you guys recommend? Unofficial Patches? Script Extenders? Gameplay overhauls? Survival immersion? Critical mods to eliminate save bloat and/or file corruption? Mods designed to improve performance?


I know from experience that simply going down the list of most downloaded and endorsed mods is a mixed bag, with some no longer working, some made obsolete by less popular mods, and thousands upon thousands being buggy, gamebreaking, or incompatible with other critical mods. I HOPE beyond hope that Oblivion mods aren't primarily a bunch of low-effort half-naked waifu followers, as is the case with Skyrim.


Anyway, I'd appreciate if you guys would throw me a few bones on where to begin. Thanks.

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I have an up to date guide in my signature, if you want some mod recommendations.


Oh that is perfect, thanks!


By the way, my Oblivion files were obtained through GOG rather than Steam (ES I - IV were on sale in a bundle that was too good to pass up). Other than the data file location, is that going to matter?

Edited by GammaThreve
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I don't know if you want to but I can give you an example of how to make a book with only pictures in it. Apparently it's a chore making those but I figured out how to do it.




I'll give one out either way.

<IMG src="book/page0.dds" width=490 height=650>
 <IMG src="book/page1.dds" width=490 height=650>
 <IMG src="book/page2.dds" width=490 height=650>
 <IMG src="book/page3.dds" width=490 height=650>
 <IMG src="book/page4.dds" width=490 height=650>
<IMG src="book/page5.dds" width=490 height=650>

Pay attention on the spaces cause those are needed.

<IMG src="book/page0.dds" width=490 height=650>
*<IMG src="book/page1.dds" width=490 height=650>
*<IMG src="book/page2.dds" width=490 height=650>
*<IMG src="book/page3.dds" width=490 height=650>
*<IMG src="book/page4.dds" width=490 height=650>
<IMG src="book/page5.dds" width=490 height=650>

'*' are spaces.

Edited by Guest
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I have an up to date guide in my signature, if you want some mod recommendations.


Oh that is perfect, thanks!


By the way, my Oblivion files were obtained through GOG rather than Steam (ES I - IV were on sale in a bundle that was too good to pass up). Other than the data file location, is that going to matter?




GOG or Steam doesn't matter.

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Where you will find a difference is when looking to get Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) to work. Many mods require OBSE so I would class it as a "required" mod (though in fact it isn't a mod, but rather it's a utility that extends the game's capabilities).


On the OBSE page Files tab you will find one download marked as Main Files and one as Update Files. The Main Files download is for all supported versions of the game (disk, Steam and GOG) but the OBSE_loader.exe that is included with the Main Files version will only work with the disk versions of the game.


The Update Files download is a replacement OBSE_loader.exe for the GOG version of the game, and that OBSE_loader.exe is the one you will use to start the game (normally by editing your desktop shortcut).

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Thanks guys! One more question; I immediately see warnings not to install Oblivion into the Program Files folder. However, GOG installed the game into the Program Filesx86 folder (NOT the Program Files folder). Is that alright? Or do I need to reinstall?

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Thanks guys! One more question; I immediately see warnings not to install Oblivion into the Program Files folder. However, GOG installed the game into the Program Filesx86 folder (NOT the Program Files folder). Is that alright? Or do I need to reinstall?

It has to be moved or reinstalled outside of it.

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I'm a disk guy myself, but I've seen some posts mentioning not to use the GOG equivalent of the "Steam Community" or whatever it's called. If you do have GOG's equivalent already installed you may want to look into installing it outside of Program Files (x86). Both versions of Program Files are protected locations and UAC does seem to cause problems (one is 64 bit and the other is 32 bit).


The preferred palce for all games is C:\Games\... (unless you have multiple hard drives ... my games are in G:\Games\...).

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