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Skyrim's Humour


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Speaking to the court mage in Riften and "helping" by answering questions, among which answers are "I don't know... five?", "Swallow a soul gem?", and of course, "Find some calipers?"

I forgot about her... :ohdear: ....Yup, she is funny, I love trying out the different combinations of dialogs with her just to see what she comes up with.... :biggrin:


Plus there's that guy at the Mages College who thinks he's invisible.....And the Dunmer Apprentice Mage there who turns you green and then into a variety of animals.... :biggrin:


I had a well timed situation once also....My Dovah had been in an intense fight with a Dragon...using his Bow and Shouts, etc...Finally brings the beast down and sucks up it's soul....turns around and there's Maiq standing right behind him....Maiq's line..."Maiq does not understand what is so impressive about shouting. Maiq can shout whenever he wants".... :facepalm: .... ;D

I also cracked when Maiq spat that line hahahahaha

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So, there i am on the road from Riften heading towards Windhelm and I pass a farmer heading towards Riften..."I'm on my way to Windhelm to join the Stormcloaks...Ulfric has the right of it." Ok....so someone has had a joke giving him direction's :biggrin:

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>ears up< I had some randome guy run up to a friends character yelling, "So you call yourself a mage?! I challenge you to a duel!" at which point he chucked lightning at me, and one of the Whiterun guards flattened him. Then the guard observed the body, and said, "I'm going to get whoever did this."


It was a long night.

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