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Making followers immune to a spell..


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I'm trying to find out if there's a way to possibly make a follower immune to a spell's scripted effect when they accidentally get hit with it. I've tried the getplayerteammate condition but it didn't seem to do anything. The spell simply runs a script that kills the person turning them into sweet rolls like the Wabbajack would and an ash pile. But I'd really like it if it would stop hitting my followers when they decide to run in front of where I'm trying to cast it on an enemy just so they can irritate me.
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It should be possible, but how to implement would in large part depend on how the spell effect/script is done to begin with. For example, if the effect is handled via a script that extends ActiveMagicEffect, you could include a condition to do your check, e.g., to extend your example, something like:


Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
  If !akTarget.IsPlayerTeammate()
      ... Whatever kill script/sweetroll effect you want here ...

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I didn't even think of putting it directly into the script. I was looking for a condition method this whole time lol. Thanks for the help!
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