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Fallout3 MOD Ideas...


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I'm sure there are some threads on this in various places but I wanted to post some of my ideas for mods. This is my mod wishlist so if anyone is interested I invite you to share your ideas or add to this list. If any modders need some ideas here are some things I would love to see.



*New character editing UI when exiting vault. One that shows the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats and the skills on the same screen like in Fallout 1 and 2.



*Iron sights.



*Max Payne style 3rd person camera where you can actually shoot and see reasonably well.



*Or even better a Mass Effect style camera where it goes from zoomed out and centered to over the shoulder upon drawing or aiming a weapon. I don't know how possible that is but it would be awesome.



*Better running and walking annimations. Default annimations look very unnatural especially if you're viewing them from third person.



*Fulscreen Pipboy. You can adjust the Pipboy fov to make it appear larger but the screen is off center so you can only zoom so much and it looks awkward. A mod that zoomed in and and centered the pipboy screen would be nice.



*A way to view your character when equiping and unequiping gear in the pipboy. Maybe you could have a key that toggled a view of your character and had the pipboy screen smaller to the side.



*AI aggression changes. I think not every creature you happen accross in the wasteland should try to kill you. Some would attack outright but maybe some could run away. SOme might ignore you completely unless you got too close.



*Weather varriation. RAIN. Thunderstorms. Dust storms with poor visibility.



*Altered conversation camera. I'm tired of staring at wooden faces dead on. Maybe an over the shoulder dialoge camera or something. Anything!



*A mod that displays EMPTY on containers AFTER you have inspected them. This way you would have to check every container but after you've looted it the game could remind you that it is empty.



*Id also be curious to see a mod that revamped combat to be entirely turn based.



*Targeting body parts with melee weapons in VATS.



*A greater resembelence to Washington DC in the wasteland. More recognizable buildings. More enterable buildings. Less linearity in the city layout so you could have more flexibility in navigating to different areas.



*The ablity to make fires and cook food so that it is more effective.



*Film Grain ala Left 4 Dead.



*Larger selection of colors for HUD and Pipboy.



*Friendly characters are less nice to you. I'm tired of going up to random Hunters and Wastelanders and them greeting me as if I was their neighbor or something.



*Hunting. There should be some additional useful things that you could loot from dead creatures like body parts or skin that could be used in repaiting leather armor or cooking (see above) or just selling for profit. Additionally rather than all hostile creatures, alot of them should just flee when they detect you which would require you to sneak up on creatures to hunt them.

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Well, in terms of the DC area I'm finding every building in the game that is blocked off and giving access to it. You can check the link in my sig. It's still a ways off though.


As for everything else these sound rather solid. I might consider picking up one or two of the ideas once I finish my Expanded Exploration mod.

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Well, in terms of the DC area I'm finding every building in the game that is blocked off and giving access to it. You can check the link in my sig. It's still a ways off though.


As for everything else these sound rather solid. I might consider picking up one or two of the ideas once I finish my Expanded Exploration mod.



That sounds great. Looking forward to it.

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  • 2 years later...
You do realize that both of you are responding to almost 3 year old posts? These post were made not to long after the actual game was released.
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