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Can someone post a link on how to re-size armor to fit perfectly


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I have my perfect body for girls exactly the way I want thanks to Caliente's BodySlide. But the armor just makes the goddamn hips to big. I hate big hips on girls! So I need to re-size some of the armor and had no luck with google or DL bodyslide ready armor. SOOO I need to do it myself apparently. So please someone post a tutorial or a link or some shite! Thanks peeps.
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What I would do is use a 3D editing application like blender or 3DS Max. The best tutorials I know of for both:





It's relatively easy (famous last words), you just need to set a fall-off of around 10 or so and scale the vertices in a bit and export. Since you're not converting body types, there's no need to bother with skinning or bsdismemberment (unless you really, really want to).


Then follow up with some nifskope edits to fix the textures. Under NitrishapeData, set BS NUM UV Sets from 1 to 4097. Match the Has Vertex Colors setting with the original. Right-click the armor in the window and under Meshes, click on Update Tangent Space. Then Save. Do this for both _0 and _1 versions. Then cross your fingers because all sorts of wacky things can go awry.


Or, unless I'm misremembering, there may be a way to scale mesh in nifskope. But that would depend on the armor, I think. I never tried that method but I seem to recall something to that effect from skimming posts in the forums.

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When you use BodySlide outfits, it doesn't automagically fit to whatever proportions you have. You still need to create the armour/clothing meshes with BodySlide.
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Thank you but I'm obviously to stupid to do this, guess I'm just gonna have to live with it like this. Thank you though

I don't believe that for a second, and neither should you. Modifying armor may not be the easiest thing to do, but it's not rocket science either. It's a learning process that takes just a little bit of time and effort, that's all.


Take your time, read the tutorials, watch the videos. And give it a shot, have some fun with it. :thumbsup:

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Thank you but I'm obviously to stupid to do this, guess I'm just gonna have to live with it like this. Thank you though

I don't believe that for a second, and neither should you. Modifying armor may not be the easiest thing to do, but it's not rocket science either. It's a learning process that takes just a little bit of time and effort, that's all.


Take your time, read the tutorials, watch the videos. And give it a shot, have some fun with it. :thumbsup:

Thank you for your faith In me, I was just getting frustrated, I think I need to back away for right now and try again latter, I was just trying to get some vanilla armor to fit my new follower mod but I went ahead and released it anyway. Here is the mod.... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30704 I will try again soon thank you for your help guys.

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