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the Ultimate Load Order - STABLE AND PERFECT


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No guide yet but I will be releasing this as an open project on Nexus, calling it the Ultimate Modding Project, will include direct links, patches and installation order and guide. First I've got another little project related to this that I wanna get done in the meantime :).

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They will both be on Nexus, as for the first one it is quite smaller, but will mean a lot to many heavy modders. Then will follow my complete guide to building this LO, all links and instructions as mentioned :). First project is out within the week, next, well, after NVEC 3.4 ;)

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Theres always that ONE guy. he he I used to be like you I would have these streaks of long gaming and I would think to myself "wow I haven't crashed in hours" the next door i open BAM CTD. When the Game Reaper calls your ticket theres nothing you can do but say "awww s#*!" and click " dont send report" and restart your game

Edited by Vancer2
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The way I have my patching set up pretty much ensures I don't have any crashes to do with the mods themselves, but you are right about one thing, there is a Game reaper and he does call XD. Sometimes out of nowhere you do get the odd crashes especially if you have many apps open and you're constantly alt-tabbing out of the game.


If you didn't already realize, the second project what I was talking about is going to be how to build my LO, but also in variations to support other mods. Then all you need do after you build your LO to spec, is get the patches that I am custom making by hand. Quick click in Wrye bash to generate a merged patch and your done. Just want everyone to be able to run what I am and actually enjoy the game without much hassle, dare I say much :)

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maybe its the way i installed wyre bash or not ( mine is python Im confused on which one it is whether u need the one with wyre base.exe or wyre bash.pyw but When i right click anywhere in the list of esps and esm's in the list i cant make a merged or bashed patch like u said heres a ss of what my wyre bash install looks like is it supposed to be like this or not?



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Looks right to me, and I use the Python version too. There is some confusion over which version of Python to be using, make sure it is 2.7 or you will have weird problems. I believe you can get the appropriate version at Oblivion's Wrye Bash page.


What your supposed to do to make a bashed patch is highlight your entire load order and right click, select "Mark Mergeable" and then wait til a little list appears, click okay, then right click on Based Patch.esp and select "rebulid patch", when the menu appears, tick every box that has a mod listed but do not tick the sections "INI tweaks" or "in game tweaks", they are just for playing around with but are not needed.

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Funny timing well i dont think i need to do anything anymore I downloaded that configurator or whatever that helps u config ur ini or whatnot. Tweaked the settings using that. Did some other things and No Crashes =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD oh and figure out how to get the custom bullet cam i was asking for help on =D double bonus

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