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Stomp Attack Animation


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When you have high unarmed skill you gain the ability to do a stomp attack on downed enemies in VATs, but the animation (h2hstomp) is pretty awkward.


Looking through the animations in the game I noticed there is a swift kick animation (vatsh2hattackpower_lowkick) that would fit perfectly.


If someone could replace the stomp attack animation with that kick that'd be great. (I tried just renaming the kick animation to h2hstomp but it didn't work.)

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  • 5 weeks later...
Your idea intrigues me, but I don't understand which animation you are referring to. I often use the stomp attack and it seems to me that the animation is always more or less the same, the only variation that you notice is that sometimes the character has the torso straight and others slightly to the right, but the movement of the le legs are always the same, the foot that hits is always the right one. Is there a video showing the "quick kick" you speak of?

In my opinion, the worst thing about stomp animation is the absurd position that the character sometimes takes with respect to the enemy to step on. From the position you are in at the beginning of the attack the character moves to another because after using VATS the character cannot be controlled until the end of the attack. The character returns to being freely controllable only at the end of the kill cam. To kill someone by dint of kicks, you do not hit them in the wrists, but in the face. It would be nice to be able to decide which side to strike from

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Create an AI package in the geck, go to idles, check use specific idles, and try to add one. It will pull up a list of all animations with preview window. The kick I mentioned is Vatsh2hattackpower_lowkick. There is also a dedicated Idles menu under Character(?) along the top bar, but it has no preview, and my Geck just loves to crash if I try to browse it for more than 20 seconds.


There is no variation in the stomp attack, just the one animation, but in the game files there are all manner of unarmed moves that are supposed to be used in VATs.


In New Vegas, none of these were implemented, but If I recall correctly, these different vats attacks would be used contextually in Fallout 3, as opposed to New Vegas where your character always just punches normally.

Edited by Radioactivelad
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Thanks a lot for your advice. My problem is that I have never tried using the GECK and I honestly have no idea how to use it. I'm afraid I can do irreparable damage, given my very little experience in these things. I would be very curious to see the animation you are talking about, but I am afraid to try to use it because I would certainly make some very serious mistakes handling the GECK.

I like the original stomp animation, but the game .... how can I say ....... uses it the wrong way. Little care has been used in the VATS melee attack animations.

I have a very simple and functional mod for idles, which does nothing but carry the idles of the NPCs on the character, making him more realistic and less "dummy". But these are all actions that start automatically when the character remains stationary for more than ten to fifteen seconds and can be blocked if you grab the weapon or start running. It is not possible to decide when to start an idle, there is no key to assign to the animations nor is it possible to choose which of the animations the character should do, it is all random. This mod does not work in combat, but only when the character stands still. I don't have to press or type anything, just wait, that's why I installed it: it's simple to use.

The problem remains that when you use VATS you cannot control the movements of the character. Assuming you can choose the stomp animation you say, you wouldn't be able to choose whether to use this or the standard one. You would be forced to choose one of the two animations and always see only that ..... or at least I think so ......

Then I would prefer to solve the problem I was talking about. Choose the side of the attack and be sure that when the kill cam starts the character has not moved into an absurd position. For example, if the body being trampled is on a descent it would be logical to hit it from the top side, not from the downward side as it always happens.

I had also thought of another thing: the fact that bodies on the ground don't move when kicked, as if they were made of weathered wood. It would be nice if the bodies remained "soft" and reacted to the blows they suffer.

Among other things, I have never seen any mod that concerns the customization of images or animations of the character under VATS and the following kill cam. I'm thinking that being able to make such a mod would be very very difficult, otherwise someone would have already thought about it ...

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