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A New Power


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OOC: For all its relevance:

Shadow: *Grins smugly and brandishes boots of move-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-fast! (which grant, mind you, invulnerability to sniper bullets and the like)*


"You have to catch me first!"




A shilouete(sp?) appeared some ways up the road, towing behind it another, slightly larger shilouete. As the forms approached and became clearer, they could be identified easier as the shrouded outline of a man and a horse--Closer still and you could see the man was cloaked and hooded, his face hard to discern in the gloom. Beside him, an unassuming horse packed with modest travelling supplies, and brandishing the sheaths of a couple weapons.


He was undoubtedly Thrin, even if his face was hard to see. He had a slight limp, and only he would travel in such a indistinguishable manner. Had the others known he was once a smuggler, it might have been easier for them to understand why, but as it stood they were content with the fact that looks alone would easily decieve anyone of this mans true temperment. More then once he had proven himself both a strong commanding presence and a deadly warrior, not to mention a great asset to their cause.


Still, his motives remained unclear. Only vauge words had been revealed of the man's past and purpose, none of which giving even the slightest hint of direction. Yet he was there none the less, and few had seen it fit to argue the matter, letting it suffice to only know so little of him.


Thrin arrived quickly, though it seemed to take forever to the increasingly impatient warriors at the gate already. He staved off the forthcoming lectures, telling them something about how hard it is to find a good horse in a battle stricken town... But his mischievious grin belied the fact that something else had occupied his time. By the look of it, it was nothing of vital importance either, yet apparently not worth speaking of--At least from Thrin's standpoint.

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Quarian glared at Thrin, as if to begin a rant but his sick eyes and the raiwater dripping off the hair stuck to his forehead communicated what he wanted to say.

"Lets be going then, I want to get as far as we can before the rain gets any worse..." Quarian said and turned the horse south with the rains, soon he was at a quick walking pace, looking up at the dark clouds. He knew all too well how severe the storms got in this valley, the thunder would likely start soon and he found himself wishing he was back in his bedroom, high up in the Rakatal foothills...


[no gaurantee this will keep going but I'll do my best, Theres some sort of curse on my rps, I swear...oh yeah, me gming!]

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Thrin's smile began to fade, and he looked up as if seeing the rainclouds for the first time. "Aye, you're right about that, friend." After a short moment of watching the rain, he adjusted the saddle and mounted his horse. He checked one of the scabbards attached to a saddlebag to make sure the sword was loose, and then set off behind his companions.


Gradually, his smile returned. Not a huge grin, mind you, but a wry smirk. The smile of someone thinking about a private joke or a secret jest. It was definatly suspicious, more so compared to the covert aura he seemed intent on keeping. But above all else, it was out of character for the man. When was the last time anyone of them had seen him smile, even as he did now? His expression was always deadly serious, as though he had no sense of humor whatsoever... It was almost like watching someone else that looked like Thrin, an imposter perhaps, but one of him was bad enough!


He knew it too. He tried to hide it, but the more he did so, the more it broke out. Oh how it tormented him as he passed through the gates, that he should smile at such a thing. But would it not be worse to frown? At least he can enjoy his singular, pleasant mood; the rain never bothered him anyway.


He asked himself the same question he knew would be brought up in the minds of those around him... When was the last time this happened? In his mind he already knew the answer. Not since she had still been around. Not since them. The corners of this mouth began to sag with that thought-- something he had not wished to visit again.


But vengance would be sweet.


Ish garrahd neen faalt...

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Finally, Aseir thought, as Thrin joined the group. He turned to complain about the delay, but as he saw the man's expression, his ability to speak suddenly left him. He was smiling.


Not smiling, he corrected himself with a flare of anger and disgust, laughing.





Aseir's sword was half-drawn before rational thought finally returned. Not now, he reminded himself. You can't afford a mistake like that. Saying nothing to his arrogant "ally", he rode past and down the road after Quarian.

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As the group rode out across the waterlogged plain the river curved toward them. The hills on their flanks closed about them, and a narrow passage shared by the river was the only passage out of the valley. The rain came in sheets now, sweeping across the low contours of the plain. The Rakatal's now fast moving water was brown with sediment and runoff from the mountains and its banks were high, delivering the fertility of the Galoric farmland with each heavy rain.
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Thrin kept his eyes straight ahead, staring at nothing. He listened to the thundering of the Rakatal and the rythmic pounding of the rain. His good mood had passed, his face once again an emotionless mask surrounded by the endless, rainy gloom. He might have spoken, were it speaking weather, but people had the tendancy to grow irritated in the rain. Angry people are not much for conversation.


As he pondered other things, the smuggler part of his mind registered that there was only one exit to this place, should they need it. He felt more unease at that then by the weather. Still, he didn't give the thought much care after noticing, and returned to his brooding in silence, listenting only to the wet plodding of the horses.

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Akechi drew his cloak closer to his body, fastening it down to the belt. The rain had picked up in frequency, and it seemed as if the droplets were heavier as well. He knew this land well, and the terrain was fairly redundant for quite a distance. Akechi looked to the sky and there were clouds all about, it looked as if the rain may go on for some time. It seemed as if some riding positions had changed recently, so Akechi moved himself back to make the group more of a formation. He found himself keeping pace with Thrin. Akechi looked over and spoke. "I trust you're used to adverse weather," Akechi assumed, "because we're going to be in this storm for quite a while."
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Thrin's eyes shifted from the glazed over look back to their usual intensity. Did someone just speak, or was I imagining it. He paused for another moment before looking in Akechi's direction, and realized he was waiting expectantly. Oh, he asked about the weather.


"Yes, is suspect it shall," he replied, hoping that it was a suitable answer to the question. He hadn't been expecting anyone to break his train of thought, not that it had been very long. "I trust you're prepared as well."

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The party's arrival at the mouth of the river valley was protested by the night's first roar of ear splitting thunder. A howling wind blows up through the canyon, carrying the scent of the sea and what seams to be gallons of near vertical rain into your face. Muddy streams are flowing freely down from the hills into the raging Rakatal.

A mile further the extreem has only intensified, you can no longer hear the clop of your horses hooves and the constant howl is deafening. The canyon bends eastward as you travel, at last showing calm skies toward the coast. The nature of storm systems originating south of Galor was to pound the shore breifly, and be drawn up the rakatal river valley by the warm air that hangs over Galor. Essentially trapping them within the mountains until they rained out, leaving the coast a tempting refuge, but to seek it, it would be to brave the hell that was the torrent of winds rushing up the valley with the storm. "Aseir" Quarian managed, directing his horse towards his. "Will this be the first time your eyes are blessed by the sight of the sea?"

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Akechi had to raise his voice quite high to be able to respond to Thrin. "Well, nothing fully prepares you for these storms; but I'm certainly used to it!" Akechi was almost yelling to carry his voice over the thunder and howling wind. "I've been on many a hunting trip when these storms have broken out. In that situation there's not much to do but make for shelter to wait it out. It's much more miserable being on foot in this incessant rain." Akechi turned to face the direction they were traveling, not expecting a verbose answer from Thrin.
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