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7970 - Glitchy graphics


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Heya guys.


I am using the following specs for my PC.


AMD 8150 8 core 3.6ghz


Radeon 7970 3GB GPU


I am using the latest drivers and CCC (released 1/17 this month)


When I am playing I get wierd graphcs glitches, like a tree will randomly stretch and go back to normal. It'll only last a split second, maybe .5 seconds! But its so strange and happens a lot! Random wonky screen flashes, texture stretches, etc.


Any idea why, or how to fix it?

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Kind of funny....I recently bought a HD 7850 (because Skyrim finally killed my 4 year old 9800 GTX 512mb), and started noticing some artifacting in Skyrim running the HD texture pack, similar to what you describe (split second flash of some weird lines or shapes). Although it generally only happens to me in crafting menus when the GPU is being stressed. Catalyst drivers suck.


What do you mean by 'a lot'?

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I cant give you a time frame, but enough to piss me off while playing.


Not just in crafting menus, walking around the world. once every few minutes is estimate I can give.

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Oooh! I believe I know the answer to this.


A) Turn on Vsync

B) Limit Skyrim to 59 fps or lower

C) Underclock your GPU slightly

D) Update your drivers


For limiting your FPS, I HIGHLY recommend getting RadeonPro. It's got a tonne of other features (SMAA, FXAA, SweetFX, Dynamic VSync, Dynamic Framerate Controls, etc.) that are good to have.

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In my case, it comes and goes far too quickly and too infrequently to try and capture a screenshot. I'll use CCC to cap the FPS and see if that improves. Otherwise, I might consider under-clocking the GPU. I know that, at least in my case, it's not an GPU overheating issue. I've been using Afterburner to monitor my GPU temperature and it never goes above 62 degrees celcius (much cooler than my previus nvidia card).


I've also experienced (so far 2) BSOD after quitting Skyrim ('attempt to reset driver time out failed'). Catalyst drivers suck....

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Dang and numbes wise I'm jeolous :D


I don't have those problems so I'm blessed, I have the Nvidea card. There was another guy asking about his radeon card, should p[robably sticky this post in his post.

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I actually had an older radeun, a 5950 I believe, had no issue like this. I have vsync on, I suppose I could try the FPS limitter, tho I thought that what Vsync was suppsosed to do.....
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I updated to catalyst 13.2 beta 3. So far it *seems* to behave better than previous catalyst driver. I don't see any weird artifacting crap any more. Catalyst drivers are still poop though....


I suppose I could try the FPS limitter, tho I thought that what Vsync was suppsosed to do.....


Yes, that's what you use to cap the FPS. Turn v-synch off in game and turn it on in the Poop Control Center.

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I'm having the same problems. I have a Radeon HD 7950. I'm going to try the new Catalyst beta. Here is my thread reporting the same problems: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/893030-the-screen-has-glitchy-imagery-sometimes/ If you read the OP, it sounds like the same problems.


I have a question. These glitchy graphics don't happen to me all that much and I can bear with them for awhile. Eventually there will be better drivers (if that beta doesn't solve this). But can I play Skyrim with these problems? Are these issues harmless? Or are they harmful in any way (to my computer system, or to the drivers themselves)? Also, they aren't harmful to Skyrim save files, are they? If I decided to play Skyrim with these problems for awhile, do I have to worry about corrupt saves from them?

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