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Modded Oblivion - EXTREMELY SLOW FPS


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Note that the M versions of GPUs are nowhere near as powerful as their desktop counterparts. For instance, if you are using Qarl's texture pack, it's better to get the Redimized Reduced texture mod instead of the original pack. You might also try the reduced grass mod as grass also has a major impact on performance when outdoors. SpeedTree, however, you can't do much about; that itself tends to be the major culprit on the game's load.


Also, Oblivion is known to not be very thread optimized, thanks to it being released right before dual- and quad-core processors came to home computers. It's going to be slow unless you're willing to settle with Medium or Low graphics so you can get 60FPS while outside.


As I've said, I'm not using any world space texture packs outside of sky retextures and weapon/armor ones. Furthermore, I know for a fact that the default grass/vegitation are NOT an issue because they are not an issue when I play the game unmodded. I can get ~50~60 FPS quite easily on Vanilla Oblivion.


Also, yes, I'm very much aware that the M series are drastically less powerful than their desktop counterparts, however, I see no reason why it should so negatively effect the game when its modded but NOT when its running normally. I can run Vanilla at full graphics settings at 1080p and max AA without any problem, so this shouldn't be such a big problem.

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I recall Hickory reporting that Better Cities is a demanding mod graphics wise (and if anyone is an authority around here, Hickory is near the top of that list).
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Ahhh, I see. It must draw more GPU power aside from the additional VRAM requirements, and that would explain the slow down. I knew for sure that it had nothing to do with my VRAM! Haha.


Out of curiosity, does Qarl's Texture Pack III demand much graphical power outside of VRAM?

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I have no experience with Qarl's but I'd go with ziitch's suggestion ... perhaps try the Redimized version first and if that's too slow go down to the Redimized Reduced version. Finding the limits of what your particular machine can or can't run are questions you'll be able to answer after experimenting better than we could advise other than in general terms. I've seen many cases of someone being advised their machine wouldn't be able to handle something and then they come back and report how it worked fine (in addition to the fact that what is acceptable lag and FPS for me may well be unacceptable to you). Just keep in mind that Oblivion isn't a First Person Shooter and he who has the least lag and best FPS will win isn't true in Tamreil. What you are looking for is acceptable gameplay, which at times may involve lower frames per second.
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Yeah, don't worry, I understand that, I'm primarily an RPG player ;) Well, that and an RTS player, but that's beside the point.


Anywho, it's a shame that Better Cities doesn't run too well on my machine :( Guess I'll have to wait until summer to run it.

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Your machine will run better in warm weather (just kidding) ... I have the opposite seasonal problem. In summer I only have my non-gaming laptop. So my summers are an Oblivion free zone and in winter I disappear into Oblivion (well, when I'm not lurking here).
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Ohh, haha, well, I meant that I am planning to build a dual OCed 4GB 680, OCed 3930k gaming rig this summer, which should render almost all graphical problems moot, haha. I should have gone with the Lenovo with a 660M, so much more powerful >.<
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I stumbled upon a problem when loading my mods. Apparently Wrye Bash isn't too good at overriding textures from other mods...how do I get it to do so? I am trying to load a mod to specifically retex the imperial legion armor while I have a mod that retexes most armors in the game. How do I get Wrye Bash to overwrite one set of textures?
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Problem I've always found when looking for laptops (mine is old but last year I got a new one for my granddaughter) is that they are very seldom balanced machines. Either they'll have a fast CPU saddled with lame graphics (i.e. Intel integrated graphics) or they'll have a good graphics solution (discrete graphics card with it's own dedicated VRAM) coupled with a slow CPU. Marketing guys rule the roost in the laptop design world, and they know they can spin doctor anything to make it sound like the greatest thing since sliced bread. Price point is their main design criteria. I finally found a reasonably balanced laptop for her (not extreme gaming but capable enough) but you need to be prepared to pony up about $500 for components that cost the manufacturer about $75. The marketing guys know a proper design when they see one, and see it as an opportunity waiting to be exploited ... /end rant.
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