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Texture Packs Compatibility


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I've been modding for a long time, and have tended to stay away from big texture overhauls since my PC could not handle it before. Now that it can, I was wondering if there would be any compatibility issues with texture overhauls that don't have .esp or .esl files, if two of them for example would replace the same texture.

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You are referring to texture replacers. You cannot install two files that change the same thing. It doesn't work that way.


The last file you install will overwrite what is already installed and will be the one displayed in the game.

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You are referring to texture replacers. You cannot install two files that change the same thing. It doesn't work that way.


The last file you install will overwrite what is already installed and will be the one displayed in the game.



Short addition: The above refers to loose files. When you also have textures packed in BSAs, the following rules apply:


1. Loose files will always win over files in BSAs.

2. The BSA loaded last will win over BSAs loaded before. So if you have two texture mods packed in BFA, put the corresponding .esp plugin of the one you like best AFTER the .esp of the other mod in your load order.

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