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Custom Weapon Mesh


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You could say that I've taken my first step towards serious modding, because I used NifSkope to make a custom greatsword, and currently trying to get it in-game. That's where the problems pile up...

Custom weapons using my own mesh don't have any animations. Here's a 1000 extra words of explanation:




I would really appreciate a solution to this, thanks in advance.

Oh, and I would like some feedback on my custom sword.

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The sword itself looks amazing.


Also, Here's guide how to make it work.


Extract 1stperson variant of a greatsword from Skyrim - Meshes.bsa


(it has 1stperson in it's name. For example, 1stpersonDaedricGreatsword)


Open it in nifskope

Open your sword in nifskope


"Copy branch" your sword to the sword you extracted from .bsa

Change the position so it's right.

(Use the original sword as a base. As it's still there)

Once you think you are ready, > Edit > Apply

click on the extracted sword, delete branch.

Save file



The issue you are currently having is that it lack's a bone where it sticks, thus it's working the way it is.



In case you didn't understand a shite of this, feel free to say so I'll give a better tutorial.

I don't know if you handle the basics of nifskope and are actually able to do the steps I mentioned.

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... and in case you already did the above mentioned, make sure that the NiStringExtraData block's value is WEAPONBACK, so the weapon is recognized as a 2h sword and attached to the bone - otherwise it will hover on the ground like in your case.



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After fiddling around a good while with CK and NifSkope, I got it all working.


Now for my next problem; :wallbash: collision mesh. The actual physical part is all messed up, and I have no clue as to how I'm supposed to confront the issue.


The sword itself looks amazing.
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