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Ability to "Cook" Grenades


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Maybe if you gave it a 5 second timer with a proximity fuse? I don't know that that would set it off in your hand, but it might be closer to simulating a cooked grenade.


Doing this would turn it into a mine, the timer would start when an enemy set off the proxy trigger.


EDIT: i suppose you could just have a proxy trigger set without the timer, but then grenades that miss would likley never go off

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I just wrote my own.


Except it sort of doesn't work on super mutants because that'd be cheap that you could just spray them with rifle fire and cripple all their limbs.


I misspoke. I want one that keeps the damage you inflict to enemies the same as on "normal" but makes it so that you die super-easy. So I guess it's not as much a realism mod as a ridiculous unfair difficulty mod, which would explain why it doesn't yet exist. Here's hoping.


Also, I don't know that you could "cook" them per-say. It might be able to be scripted but I don't know.


I'm not quite sure I understand how the "alt-trigger" works on the grenade. It says it has a 2.5 second fuse, but it seems longer than that in game. Since you only have options for detonating on impact or the alt trigger, I'm not sure how much can be done.


I was entirely unaware of this feature, can you actually hold it till it explodes? Unfortunately, even with an 80+ explosives skill I find "on impact" to mean whenever the hell it feels like it.


yeah, I'm not having much luck with it either. It requires a new script.


Regardless, thanks for taking the time to give it a try, particularly since you probably weren't even going to utilize it.


"COD4 is the first and only time I've encountered said ability"


wow, I cant think of a single game i've played where you couldn't


Rainbow Six, Far Cry, Crysis, Halo... None of the one's I've recently played have had it.


But Yeah... I too find that enemies will often run away before my grenades explode, and companions will often run after them just in time to be standing on it when it does.

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Unless my multiple Army buddies are lying to me, real grenades have a 10 second fuse, and when they train you to use them they have you pull the pin, count to 3, and then throw it. Which would mean they actually train you to "cook" grenades (granted, for a specific time). Regardless, it's not as useful in real life as it is in a video game, since stepping into a hail of gunfire to line up a perfect shot/throw is common-place in video games. Besides that, my search for a 'head shots kill you instantly, limbs cripple in 1 shot, and 2-3 shots anywhere will likely kill you' mod continues, and my suggestion of one has gone widely ignored everywhere I've mentioned it, so apparently not everyone's got a realism fetish. Timed grenades probably appeal to more people than Rainbow Six style difficulty, understandably so.


You just described my mod there. Your limbs cripple in one shot (so do yours enemies), you die in one shot to the head (so do enemies, but most enemies have poo aim, so cant get many headshots), it takes around three shots to the body (so do the enemies), shooting people in the legs/arms do 1/10 the damage they use to do (20 shots to the leg of an average enemy kills them). Anyway, if you're still interested..



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I saw this mod when I first checked out this site, and it definitely makes the game play in a manner I'd consider more enjoyable, except for a few things. While I rarely use chems unless I absolutely have to (blood packs FTW), adding weight to them will facilitate the need to store them. My last play through the game, I had a problem with stuff disappearing, and since I've started keeping all of the weightless items in my inventory it hasn't happened. While making the radiation effect you quicker and more seriously makes sense, I find the fact that low-level radiation effects me at all when I'm wearing a fully repaired Advanced Radiation Suit to be ridiculous. The sun harming you is a nifty idea, but it should be negated if you wear Power Armor or a hood and sunglasses.


Does the drastically reduced health/instantly crippling limbs apply to Super Mutants, Death Claws, and enemies in Power Armor? I'd prefer that some enemies still take a beating before going down, even if you don't. I swore off eating and sleeping once I became a Cyborg, but when I downloaded your mod I saw that was under "optional". Stimpacks working gradually is an incredible idea, as are companions that aren't eager to blow your cover. A more complex infiltration system and the ability to join factions (The BOS will take anyone off the street, but not you? When you rescue that initiate they should let you join) would be spectacular. The ability to modify weapons and make ammo is awesome. I think I'll give this thing a try right now. Thanks for reminding me about it/making it.

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Actually BoS don't just take anyone...


As for games not having nade cooking try Call of Duty 1-5 and Day of Defeat.



While I prefer a more difficult game (and applaud Zable for his efforts) I also don't relish in the fact of dying within a few seconds really puts me off of his mod. Still, while it's not to my tastes I'm sure many others will appreciate it. For myself, I use Xodarps.

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I saw this mod when I first checked out this site, and it definitely makes the game play in a manner I'd consider more enjoyable, except for a few things. While I rarely use chems unless I absolutely have to (blood packs FTW), adding weight to them will facilitate the need to store them. My last play through the game, I had a problem with stuff disappearing, and since I've started keeping all of the weightless items in my inventory it hasn't happened. While making the radiation effect you quicker and more seriously makes sense, I find the fact that low-level radiation effects me at all when I'm wearing a fully repaired Advanced Radiation Suit to be ridiculous. The sun harming you is a nifty idea, but it should be negated if you wear Power Armor or a hood and sunglasses.


Does the drastically reduced health/instantly crippling limbs apply to Super Mutants, Death Claws, and enemies in Power Armor? I'd prefer that some enemies still take a beating before going down, even if you don't. I swore off eating and sleeping once I became a Cyborg, but when I downloaded your mod I saw that was under "optional". Stimpacks working gradually is an incredible idea, as are companions that aren't eager to blow your cover. A more complex infiltration system and the ability to join factions (The BOS will take anyone off the street, but not you? When you rescue that initiate they should let you join) would be spectacular. The ability to modify weapons and make ammo is awesome. I think I'll give this thing a try right now. Thanks for reminding me about it/making it.


Thank you for the great feedback. Your post has been one of the most helpful to me. As for your questions;


I specifically made Super Mutants much more durable. The average Super Mutant can take two-three shots to the head and are a much better shot. I've mind -all- of their limbs have more health, so they don't cripple as easily. Using this with MMM increased spawns is scary, and very fun. I've done the same to death claws. It took about.. Three shots in the head with a shotgun to finish it. It's arms are way weaker, but its legs are much stronger. The Radiation should work the same as before, except five times stronger (so 5RAD per sec with 50% Rad resist is 2.5 RAD per sec. I believe this to be much better), I've been working on the sun damage for some time now, tweaking it, making it the best and most realistic I possibily can. Any armor/piece of clothing (that I believe to be "thick" enough) will protect the part of the body it's covering. I've also added wearable gloves (you can wear one glove on one hand, no glove on the other.. Power armor guantlet on one, leather on other etc), added more hats, added suncream, but the lower-end suncream decreases Rad Resis.


Anyway, if you could continue to give me feedback I'd greatly appreciate it.


Edit: poo sorry, I just realised this isn't a topic about my mod, uh, sorry Author.

Edit2: Would also like to say, if my mod just please even one person, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

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Actually BoS don't just take anyone...


They took a guy that I had to teach how to clear the chamber of his pistol, and if you walk through The Citadel courtyard (or talk to Gunny, I believe) you'll occasionally hear bitching about wastelander volunteers. Maybe they won't take quadriplegics, but just about anyone.


ZB, as far as hijacking the thread, you were simply answering questions I asked, and I am incidentally the one who started the topic. I will be sure to discipline myself harshly. Since you seem potentially interested in my opinions and since I'm always interested in giving them, I'll move this chat to the forum you mentioned in your mod's (Which I've been thoroughly enjoying) description.


As for the rest of you, I still think grenade cooking is an excellent idea that everyone should drop what they're doing to make. Maybe not drop other mods you're working on, but non-essential stuff like eating, sleeping, ect.

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Actually BoS don't just take anyone...


They took a guy that I had to teach how to clear the chamber of his pistol, and if you walk through The Citadel courtyard (or talk to Gunny, I believe) you'll occasionally hear bitching about wastelander volunteers. Maybe they won't take quadriplegics, but just about anyone.


ZB, as far as hijacking the thread, you were simply answering questions I asked, and I am incidentally the one who started the topic. I will be sure to discipline myself harshly. Since you seem potentially interested in my opinions and since I'm always interested in giving them, I'll move this chat to the forum you mentioned in your mod's (Which I've been thoroughly enjoying) description.


As for the rest of you, I still think grenade cooking is an excellent idea that everyone should drop what they're doing to make. Maybe not drop other mods you're working on, but non-essential stuff like eating, sleeping, ect.


Alright sounds good, maybe with your help (and hopefully some others) I might be able to make the mod I originally imagined. I'll see you on the forums.


Anyway - back on topic,

I think the ability to cook grenades would be a great idea, and I have been experimenting with ways it could be implemented, in my head. I think the best way to implement it is, when you pull the pin, setting the variable for when the grenade is thrown to 1, instead of setting it to 1 when it is actually thrown. This would set of the timer, and throwing would still work (theoretically). Maybe I'll put this theory to practice later today.

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