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Permanent shock animation w/ sound on player


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Hey everyone. I've been having this weird problem. The save game with the issue was from awhile back before i started installing mods, but that I have continued playing after installing mods (and after uninstalling the game and all of my mods and because I was encountering so many bugs). I've reinstalled most mods but left out a few I've deemed unnecessary. However this problem has persisted through the entire process. It began during the period where I had many mods and many bugs and it hasn't gone away since, whether I have no mods installed or all of them installed. It's not really that big of an issue, but it does make it somewhat hard to aim in first person. Any idea how to remedy this? Is there some sort of console command I could use to end the animation? Here's a picture of what I'm talking about:http://i48.tinypic.com/whmujs.jpg
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