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Individual left and right gloves


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Yeah... I want an Ebony right hand, and a basic leather glove (like the Vampire armor one) for the left... Would this be possible, and if it is, could someone do it? Pleeeeeeze! :dance: If at all possible, and no offer to help is... Well offered, could someone point me in the direction to how to do it?


Thx in advanced,



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Hmm... I would help you, but I'm really not a modeler...

I think that if you just open up the gloves in nifskope or 3dsmax, you should be able to remove the left glove of say the ebony, and then open the other glove and remove the right one. Then you would just need to go into the CK and change the slot for the left glove.


If that's confusing, sorry, I'm no expert on Skyrim armor modeling. :(

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