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Help with level list


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I have created a mod and have been Googleing the hell out of this problem I'm having. I want to add my weapons from my mod (http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/48895/) to a level list but everything i find is for somebody with allot of experience and i am still learning this stuff and would really appreciate it if somebody give me a tutorial or a link to a tutorial on how to add my weapons to a level list so NCR and Raiders are carrying them.
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Thank you for the link but like i said i am still new at this and i dont understand a bit of that and i dont want it to be just sold by a vendor i want to encounter these weapons on NCR, Legion, and raiders
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If you scroll down to about 3/4 down that page you'll see a link to 'AddItemToLevelledList'.

Read that page, it'll tell you everything you need to now; thats the method used by quite a few modders (e.g. 'DLC weapons integration' by hairylegs)

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I hate to be a burden but i still don't understand any of that.. if you could in simple words just describe to me how to do this then that would be greatly appreciated
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Create a new quest, set the flags start game enabled and give it priority 50-ish.


Create a new quest script.


scn MyLevelledItemQuestScript

short bDoneOnce

begin gameMode

if (bDoneOnce != 1)

	AddItemToLeveledList %AllThoseLeveledListsYouWantToUse %AllThoseItemsYouWantToAdd %ThePCLevel 1 80

	Set bDoneOnce to 1

	StopQuest MyQuest




Any more detailed than that and I'd be doing it for you.

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Because i dont know how im just starting out and trying to learn this stuff so thats why i need help.. sorry if im being to much of a burden i just want to learn this
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