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Steam install location(s) and Skyrim


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I'm currently in the process of doing a fresh/clean/vanilla install of Skyrim. After completing all the recommended uninstallation procedures and wiping out everything, I am about to re-install Skyrim. Here is the issue I am curious about:


1. I have 2 hard drives, a standard 2 TB HHD drive and a 128 GB SSD drive.

2. I have an install location on my HHD at F:/Steam and on my SSD drive at C:/Program Files(x86)/Steam

3. All of my Steam games are located on the 2 TB HHD and so was my previous install of Skyrim.

4. I want to install Skyrim on the faster SSD drive for better performance, while keeping all other games on the HHD.

5. I want to move my steam install on the SSD out of Program Files(x86)/Steam and directly under C:/Steam


I am not sure of the best way to go about this while making sure I don't cause any potential issues with Steam or Skyrim down the road. Is it safe to simply delete the Steam folder out of Program Files(x86), or is there a particular process I need to take to do it correctly? The Steam install that is currently on my SSD does not have a Steam Library folder for some reason (I assume because all my games are on the HHD and SteamLibrary is only created when at least 1 game is installed in the folder?) Is that something that should concern me at all?


I have no issues with UAC, it is already disabled. I'm wanting to do this to save myself that extra click when tinkering/modding Skyrim in the future and to reduce an overly long file path. I know I can just tell Steam to install a new copy of itself when downloading Skyrim to C:/ but I don't want to have 2 copies of steam on the same drive.


Sorry if that was excessively long, and thanks for your help.

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I went ahead and just used my pre-existing install on my C:/ drive. At this point, I'm just curious if the lack of a 'SteamLibrary' folder is something to worry about. I went ahead and installed Skyrim there (/programfiles(x86/Steam/Steamapps/common/Skyrim) and the game itself doesn't seem to care (game starts up just fine).


Will Skyrim, Steam, Mods, or Utilities ever expect to find the 'SteamLibrary' folder in the install path and cause any problems if it isn't there? Should I create the folder myself, or not worry about it?

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