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Savegame bloating?


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It's been two days that I'm getting really looooooooong load times or even when quicksaving, it takes up to 5 minutes... I read a few posts and I thought it could be a save bloating thing.

The thing is... I haven't played that much to have a heavy savegame. I'll explain.


My most played save, when I got to talk to Paarthunax and advanced a little bit, was 7mb. Then I got Dawnguard and thought "f*** Alduin, I'll go vampire hunting" and started Dawnguard quest. Thats when my savegame started to be 120mb... it's not normal! My other saves are 3-5mb...

I disabled autosave things, I mostly quicksave because I'm paranoid that my game will crash or my comp will freeze (I play in a toaster) so I save every few steps. It normally took a little 2-3 seconds freeze to quicksave, now it takes an eternity and it's really annoying and it's making the game not so fun to play.

My bf keeps telling me to delete all those useless mods I have (I've got plenty but few ones activated :/) but they never gave me any problem before Dawnguard. It was when I got Skyrim to 1.8 and got Dawnguard and Hearthfire that my saves started to go heavy. I think it could be some mod that is conflicting with any of those DLCs, but I don't know...

I also noticed something: I loaded an old savegame to see if this was happening with all or just with my most recent save. Well, it took more to save than usually, 5 seconds or so, but it was OK. Then a guard stopped to say hi and told me about the Dawnguard, and I got the quest... and my savegames suddenly took an eternity to save and load. It could be something wrong with my DLC or a mod conflicting with it? I'm totally lost. I've also read a post where some guy said that maybe it's an outdated mod scripting something wrong (sorry I'm a total noob at this) but how do I know if a mod is outdated? some of my mods in NMM appear with a ! in the latest version column, does this mean I should update them?


Also I've looked through my inventory and I don't have any item repeated thousand times and I've cleaned my savegames folder. I had like 150 savegames, I cleaned most of them so I must have like 12 or so. My bf did defrag my HDD and claned some disk space too, but it doesn't seem to work.

Ah, and I have unofficial dawnguard patch because it said somethin about savegame bloating so I tried it, but it's not working. Should I get unofficial skyrim and heartfire patchs too?

I have it first of all in the load order.


Thanks for your help and sorry about my english mistakes, it's my second language and I'm still learning D:

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maybe you have extra outdated scripts left in your folder that weren't removed with a mod. you could try reinstalling, and the unofficial patches will solve a lot of problems. i also had a problem that this mod fixed, but that's probably not your problem here. you should try a reinstall and just make sure all future mods have all the scripts taken out, and make new saves with the menu instead of quicksaving.
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Save game file bloat has been a problem since day one, my current save file is at 9.55Mb. I think the most I've seen my saves files at about 15mb but not 120MB LOL. Disabling autosave as a positive effect on loading times but that's not you problem.
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Ok thanks for the answers I fixed it! Apparently as you guys said it was some outdated scrips and two mods that didn't get along with Dawnguard. I reinstalled Skyrim and activated mods one by one till I found those that were conflicting.


Thank you again :)

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Ok thanks for the answers I fixed it! Apparently as you guys said it was some outdated scrips and two mods that didn't get along with Dawnguard. I reinstalled Skyrim and activated mods one by one till I found those that were conflicting.


Thank you again :)


What mods were conflicting? Curious minds want to know.

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  • 4 months later...


Ok thanks for the answers I fixed it! Apparently as you guys said it was some outdated scrips and two mods that didn't get along with Dawnguard. I reinstalled Skyrim and activated mods one by one till I found those that were conflicting.


Thank you again :smile:

What mods were conflicting? Curious minds want to know.


Sorry for the slight necro-post, but I would like to know this as well. I had a savegame that was approaching 40 MB, and would go up if i just let my character stand around in an empty house idling, I'm sure it's due to runaway scripts. So far I've narrowed it down to Armed to the Teeth, which I had installed, but then uninstalled it after it didn't work right, but the scripts were still going in the background, and maybe Wyrmstooth, but would like to know if i should be looking at something else as well.

Edited by Raye
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