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Uncapper ini tweaks and SKSE


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Since I updated my SKSE to 1.6.6 my ini tweaks from the Uncapper aren't working. I don't know how this is happening. I check the ini file before loading my game and it shows fine. I check my ini files after exiting my game and its fine. But, the changes do not take effect in game. Only tweak i am using is the scaled perks per level. Can't seem to find the SKSE thread here(doing a search only shows 1000 results} so I thought i would post here and see if anyone bites that know something about this.
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Quoting from the uncapper description page:

If correctly extracted you should find SKSE_Elys_Uncapper.dll and SKSE_Elys_Uncapper.ini inside your "<Skyrim installation folder>\DATA\SKSE\Plugins\"


Since you reinstalled your SKSE, is it possible that your uncapper dll was overwritten? Just a thought, hope it helps!

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