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Make ammo that works like the ammo for the "syringer-rifle". How?

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Ok, got it.

This is how I have set it up:



ID: BOWPacifyEffect

Name: BOWPacifyEffect

Effect Archetype: Calm

Casting Type: Fire and Forget

Delivery: Contact


everything else in that window is left as default



ID: BOWPacifyEnch

Name: Calming

Type: Enchantment

Casting: FireAndForget (greyed out)

Delivery: Contact (greyed out)

Effects: BOWPacifyEffect (Magnitude 100, Duration 60 sec)


The "Enchantment" gets applied by the OMOD that also changes the "ammo type" to my custom ammo.



But when I try it in the game, it doesn'T work, the targets still attack me.

What am I doing wrong here?

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Some of the Flags in the magic effect may be important. Check the existing magic effect called "DamageCalmPoisonEffect". Compare it with yours. Also I saw that in the syringe, they have adjusted the magnitude for this effect to 999. Do that in the Enchantment as well.

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That's it. This calm effect is used in the Pax syringe. Compare it with yours, minus the Casting and Delivery types. Enable the same flags. Some of them might be important for this effect to work.

Alternatively, as I mentioned in my first post here, you can duplicate the effect of the syringe. Then just change the Casting and Delivery type(in this case only the delivery). Add it to the Enchantment with Magnitude of 999 and duration of 60.

The existing effect also has a condition check. It checks if the subject has perk ImmuneToPoison = 0 . This means that the calming effect will only work on humans and creatures that don't have this perk.

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That's it. This calm effect is used in the Pax syringe. Compare it with yours, minus the Casting and Delivery types. Enable the same flags. Some of them might be important for this effect to work.

Alternatively, as I mentioned in my first post here, you can duplicate the effect of the syringe. Then just change the Casting and Delivery type(in this case only the delivery). Add it to the Enchantment with Magnitude of 999 and duration of 60.

The existing effect also has a condition check. It checks if the subject has perk ImmuneToPoison = 0 . This means that the calming effect will only work on humans and creatures that don't have this perk.

Good, thank you!

I will duplicate that effect then (and chane what I need to change, like the delivery type or that condition)

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Ok, I have duplicated that effect.

(Right click then duplicate then rename it to give it a unique ID)

I tried to set the "delivery type" to contact, didn'T work.

I tried to set the "delivery type" to self, didn'T work.

I tried to set the "delivery type" to target actor, didn'T work.


Tha "target" still attacked me.

I set the magnitude to 999 and the duration to 60sec in the "enchantment" effect "tab".

(and of course changed the type of the enchantment to the same type as the "magic effect")


It just does not work for some reason ...

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Just did a quick test. I created new form from the existing calm effect. It worked for me. Delivery type must be Contact. The problem may lie elsewhere. Doublecheck all settings and properties in the Object Modification. You mentioned that you want to remove the attack damage. I think that maybe for the effect to work, it is required that you deal some damage. Because when I tested, I added an enchantment to existing omod of a receiver. Try setting the damage to 1.

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Just did a quick test. I created new form from the existing calm effect. It worked for me. Delivery type must be Contact. The problem may lie elsewhere. Doublecheck all settings and properties in the Object Modification. You mentioned that you want to remove the attack damage. I think that maybe for the effect to work, it is required that you deal some damage. Because when I tested, I added an enchantment to existing omod of a receiver. Try setting the damage to 1.

Ok, I will try that.


Imagine this scenario:

Ammo that does 1 damage with a "frenzy" effect gets fired at an enemy.

That enemy turns hostile on everything and gets killed by other NPCs.

Would that cound towards my "killed humans" - count?

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