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HUD Status Bars - Missing 2 Bars


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When I run HUD Status Bars in conjunction with basic primary needs, I get the thirst, hunger, and fatigue (sleep) bars, but I don't get the caffeine/alcohol bars. My HUD Status Bars ini reads:


; ==== Basic Primary Needs - Hunger

set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPN.HUDhunger"

set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorRhubarb"

set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "0"

set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct "100"

set tnoHSB.hud_x to HuDCompassLeft

set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDCompassAbove

set tnoHSB.hud_size to 68

set tnoHSB.hud_name to sv_Construct "Hunger: "

set tnoHSB.hud_textDisplay to HUDtxtPercent

set tnoHSB.hud_textColor to sv_Construct "tnoHSB.color"

set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_x to HUDtxtLeft

set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_y to HUDtxtCenter

set tnoHSB.hud_textSize to 12

set tnoHSB.hud_textShadowColor to sv_Construct "HUDcolorBlack"

set tnoHSB.hud_textType to HUDfontKingthings

setStage tnoHSB 10


; ==== Basic Primary Needs - Thirst

set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPN.HUDthirst"

set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorCyan"

set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "0"

set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct "100"

set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDdefault



set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDprevBarBelow

set tnoHSB.hud_size to 68

set tnoHSB.hud_name to sv_Construct "Thirst: "

set tnoHSB.hud_textDisplay to HUDtxtPercent

set tnoHSB.hud_textColor to sv_Construct "tnoHSB.color"

set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_x to HUDtxtLeft

set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_y to HUDtxtCenter

set tnoHSB.hud_textSize to 12

set tnoHSB.hud_textShadowColor to sv_Construct "HUDcolorBlack"

set tnoHSB.hud_textType to HUDfontKingthings

setStage tnoHSB 10


; ==== Basic Primary Needs - Sleep

set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPN.HUDsleep"

set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorLime"

set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "0"

set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct "100"

set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDdefault



set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDprevBarBelow

set tnoHSB.hud_size to 68

set tnoHSB.hud_name to sv_Construct "Fatigue: "

set tnoHSB.hud_textDisplay to HUDtxtPercent

set tnoHSB.hud_textColor to sv_Construct "tnoHSB.color"

set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_x to HUDtxtLeft

set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_y to HUDtxtCenter

set tnoHSB.hud_textSize to 12

set tnoHSB.hud_textShadowColor to sv_Construct "HUDcolorBlack"

set tnoHSB.hud_textType to HUDfontKingthings

setStage tnoHSB 10


; ==== Basic Primary Needs - Caffeine

set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPN.HUDcaffeine"

set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorBrown"

set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "100"

set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct "0"

set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDdefault



set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDprevBarBelow

set tnoHSB.hud_size to 68

set tnoHSB.hud_name to sv_Construct "Caffeine: "

set tnoHSB.hud_textDisplay to HUDtxtPercent

set tnoHSB.hud_textColor to sv_Construct "tnoHSB.color"

set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_x to HUDtxtLeft

set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_y to HUDtxtCenter

set tnoHSB.hud_textSize to 12

set tnoHSB.hud_textShadowColor to sv_Construct "HUDcolorBlack"

set tnoHSB.hud_textType to HUDfontKingthings

setStage tnoHSB 10


; ==== Basic Primary Needs - Alcohol

set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPN.HUDalcohol"

set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorYellow"

set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "100"

set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct "0"

set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDdefault



set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDprevBarBelow

set tnoHSB.hud_size to 68

set tnoHSB.hud_name to sv_Construct "Alcohol: "

set tnoHSB.hud_textDisplay to HUDtxtPercent

set tnoHSB.hud_textColor to sv_Construct "tnoHSB.color"

set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_x to HUDtxtLeft

set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_y to HUDtxtCenter

set tnoHSB.hud_textSize to 12

set tnoHSB.hud_textShadowColor to sv_Construct "HUDcolorBlack"

set tnoHSB.hud_textType to HUDfontKingthings

setStage tnoHSB 10


Am I doing something wrong?

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Er. Wat?


It sounds like you're using ooo or fcom or one of the realistic survival mods. I think you'll be more likely to get reasonable help if you go ask in the official thread for the mod you're trying to fix. If it hasn't been updated in a while, go check on the bethsoft.com forums. Maybe the mod maker hangs out there.


Having said, that I'm going to guess from problems I've had with the experience status bar in Oblivion XP. If you aren't seeing the bars at all, then you probably??? don't have the right Oblivion\Data\Menus\Main\hud_main_menu.xml or the Oblivion\Data\Menus\Main\hud_info_menu.xml files installed. Go check your mod readme and the files in the archive and make sure it's installed correctly.


Having said that, I noticed that your caffeine and alcohol min/max values are reversed from the others. I have absolutely no idea if that matters.

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